Sunday, September 24, 2017

Dear Cashiers

Dear Cashiers

I have noticed on Facebook a few memes going around about cashiers and baggers, to be nicer and such. Well, that got me thinking of writing an open letter to cashiers and baggers alike. as it seems it can be a two-way street. Before I write the letter I wish to say I do appreciate the baggers and cashiers. I understand you don't make a ton of money at your job. How do I know? I once was a bagger and a cashier. I loved the job. Sometimes I do miss the interaction with the people.
Dear Cashier and Baggers,
While I appreciate the small talk, please don't ask me how I feel or about my day unless you really want to hear about it. As when I start answering your questions truthfully and you start to roll your eyes, it hurts. Why bother to lead me on if you don't want to hear it? I was taught better manners than this.
When you fill the bags up, can please make sure I can lift them afterward. If you have to double bag 10 bottles of power aid, may I suggest placing five bottles of power aid in instead of five. Otherwise when I get out to the parking lot to place it in my car. The bag will rip doubled bagged or not, as the groceries go flying all over the place. 
When I place groceries in a smaller cart, please don't bag them and place them on my purse. As I need my purse to pay for the groceries. What do you think will happen once I yank my purse from under the groceries? Your hard work will come undone as the groceries spill out of the bag. I will kindly ask you to re-bag them. There is a bottom rack for a reason. Place the groceries there instead of on my purse. If you place more bags on top of the spill groceries, I will call up a manager after I leave and report the incident.
Please don't start throwing and slamming the groceries I chose around because you are anger at something that happened before I came to your register. This will only work out one of two ways. Both ways will be reported to a manager. I don't want to hear about your problem. I am there to buy groceries and go on to what I need to do next. 
One thing before I go, I understand you haven't seen the person you are talking to in a long time. While you are working and there is a line behind the person, it is not the time to find out what they did for the last two years. Minimal chit chat is fine as long as you are doing your job and the customer is paying. Once that is done, please stop. I don't like someone looking over my shoulder as I am using my debit card because you continue to talk to them. Nor do I like not having room to move around because this person is now standing in between my cart and me. I promise I will call your superior and report it. As I no longer feel I can pay for my groceries without worrying if that person is memorizing my four-digit code.
The Customer.
Photos from, a free use photo sharing website.

Reorganizing Clutter for More Space

I live in a small home. I always moving things around or re-organizing to declutter. As anyone who has ever lived in a  small home, one thing out of place will make the house look like it needs to be cleaned.
The before photo -
I moved the green container out to the kitchen temporarily. As it is too dark to move it to the top of the shed tonight. I decided to place the dog bed with all the dog toys in this space. That way anyone can get into the cabinet to get Xbox games or movies out without having to move something. 
I also moved the container holding my canes back to the spot by the door. I find it easier to remember to put my canes back after using them and grabbing them on the way out the door.
I have two containers where the dog bed was. I placed them in front of the window. This will serve as a way to block the dogs from running to the window every time they hear the neighbor car door and knocking the cable loose. One container will have the dogs things in. That way they are not sitting all over the house. The second container will hold all my receipts or important papers for the year 2017. 
The two cans of paint will be used in the spring. This is a good spot to store them out of the way till then. The area looks much better reorganized. 
I no longer have to worry about the area being a catch-all. Or papers falling behind the container.
What have you reorganized or decluttered I recently?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cleaning And Organizing Is A Must

Picture © belongs to SandyKS
Last night I burned a bunch of cardboard boxes, papers, an old desk broken to pieces and wood laying around out back. I was able to get a big area cleared out. Earlier this week I was going through my shed. I was selling some things off of my ex's. Plus, giving my brother and his dad a bunch of stuff I have no use for. Nor want to deal with trying to sell. They have a shop where the items would be more useful. I'd rather the items go to someone who can use them. Instead of having a reminder sitting in my shed I don't want to deal with.

Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
I swept the leaves off the cement today. Lol, I know I need to rake the leaves from the yard otherwise they will be on the cement again. I swept them into a pile for now. Later I will end up burning them as well.
Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
Clean a bunch up in the kitchen. My daughter thinks she can start something and not have to clean up after herself at all. An example: She cut the watermelon in half. She scooped part of the watermelon out. Left everything on the stove. Including her mess from the watermelon juices, utensils she used, and rinds. Didn't even put the other half of the watermelon in the fridge or cover it up with plastic wrap. I literally have to go in the kitchen after she leaves it to clean it up.
Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
Not just her but all the teens have been slacking. I was hoping to have things organized and me on my way to painting the walls in the kitchen for a crisp clean feel by now. I started to organize more last night because I couldn't sleep.
Things I Have Done To Clean And Organize My Kitchen

1. I took the old metal shelves out. Since someone bent one of the legs.
2. I replaced it with a smaller shelf that has less room. I placed a plastic tote to add all the snacks, crackers and things like that.
3. I also have a box on top of that with my extra can goods I don't have room for in my cupboard space.

4. I cleaned up all the trash that had fallen under or was kicked under the table. It was empty boxes and an empty milk jug.
5. I have a box of things I want to get rid of on the first big trash day. Mainly broken items or things we no longer use. It will stay there for now unless I can talk one of the teens to take it to the shed.
6. I took the recycling out to the recycling bin.
7. I picked up towels, a sock, and two shirts and placed them in the dirty clothes basket in the laundry room.
8. I swept the floor.

I am not done yet. I need to mop the floor, clear the table off, take a few things to the shed, and wipe all the counters and stove off.

Do you have any cleanup or organization projects going on?

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Having Issues With Natural Balance Duck & Pea Cat Food?

There isn't an official recall or anything. Just a friendly warning to pet owners to be cautious when buying pet food online. Whether it is a new brand you haven't tried yet or one you have buying for years and wish to switch the source of where you buy it. Before buying check out reviews. If you see more negative than 5-star ratings, don't be surprised if your pet doesn't wind up sick or even worse dead if you decide to purchase it. 

Another important message I want to stress to all pet lovers out there. If you give your pet some food and they refuse to eat it, take note of it. Don't continue to force your pet to eat it. There is a reason they are turning their nose up to it. It's not because they are stubborn. Your pet is trying to tell you something. Pat attention and listen. 

If you are introducing new food to your pets, you need to do it little by little. You can't just switch just like that and think everything will be okay. What you do is mix some of the old brands you normally feed your pet with the new brand you plan to feed your pet. That way if there is a negative reaction it will be a small one and you can get it taken care of immediately. Small reactions can result in death if not taken care of immediately. 

Now I want to tell you about the Natural Balance Duck and Pea cat food. As it has come to my attention from a friend many cats are getting sick or dying from this product being purchased through Amazon. My friend decided to purchase the Natural Balance Duck and Pea cat food as her cat has allergies. The food was working great for about a year, till she decided to buy a case through Amazon.  She received the food earlier this month. Shortly afterward her cat started showing signs of a fever, became lethargic, and was near death. She rushed her cat to the vet where it ended up costing her over $1200 for treatment in the care of her cat. 

Upon hearing from my friend, I started a Google search for Natural Balance pet food to see if there were any recalls. I haven't noticed any recalls. I have noticed that the company was bought out several times. The most recent one by Smuckers. I am not sure if the switching in company owners is the problem or quality of ingredients was changed up to save money. Either way, before purchasing a new brand, do some research and see if other pets are having problems with the food. Just because there isn't a recall, it doesn't mean the food is safe for your pet. I can not stress nearly enough that you must do your research when buying pet food. It is no different than researching when you want to find a reliable second-hand car or looking for the best products when you're about to become a parent for the first time.

If you have an issue REPORT it. As you will be doing your pet, other pet owners and their pets a tremendous favor. The more people who report issues the faster a recall can be made. That is how it works

If your pet is experiencing issues with Natural Balance (any flavor) you can call the following number to make a report: 
Consumer report 1-866-270-4413 

4 Ways To Contact Natural Balance

1. Customer care team at Natural Balance 1-800-829-4493
Call Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST

2. You can send them an email at

3. Write Natural balance at:
Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc.
100 N. 1st Street, Suite 200
Burbank, CA 91502

4. Go straight to Natural Balance website and look for their contact page. It will say 'Contact Us'. Click on the following link to go straight there:

Have you had any issues with Natural Balance pet food or any other brand? Please, tell me your story.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Cheesy Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich

I have been eating a pickle and peanut butter sandwiches as far back as I can remember. I tried finding out when the sandwich was first created. The closest answer I found was during the Great Depression. It may go back further than that. I did find out Elvis Presley and Hemingway liked to eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. 
I love eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches so much that I added and mixed up the ingredients. The original peanut butter and pickle sandwich only had three ingredients. Which are Pickles, peanut butter and your choice of bread! I like to add cheese or turkey bacon. Sometimes I like to fry my sandwich to add a buttery taste on the outside of the bread.
One question I get asked a lot when eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches in front of friends is what kind of pickles do you use dill, sweet or bread n butter. The answer is simple. Use your favorite kind of pickle. I suggest trying different flavors of pickles to figure out which you like best.
This how I make a peanut butter and pickle sandwich:
The first thing I do is choose which kind of bread I will be using. I like the "Sandwich Skinnys", as they are thinner than most bread. 
Next, I spread a healthy serving of peanut butter on both slices of bread. The peanut butter holds the ingredients on to keep from falling out of the bread while eating.
Next, I add a slice of cheese. This slice of cheese is Gouda. Really any kind of cheese will do. Choose our favorite or what is available.  
Next, I add as many pickles as I can get on one layer. I top it with the other slice bread with peanut butter.
If I have turkey bacon, I will add it to the slice of cheese and peanut butter on the piece of bread.
Do you like eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches? How do you prepare your version?

Sunday, July 2, 2017

How I Got My Start In Blogging

This is the second day of the blog challenge I have accepted. A suggestion to write about is how one got started doing niche or business. That is real easy for me to answer. I have always enjoyed writing. I first started writing on a website called Gather. I learned a lot from writers on Gather. I am still friends on Facebook and other writings websites with many of them. I still keep in contact from time to time. One day I wish to travel and meet my online friends. 

When Gather closed many of the members went to different writing websites. over time those closed down for another reason or other. I can't remember all the writing websites. A popular one was Bubblews. A recent one is Niume. I think many are gathering over on Virily and giving that website a try. I joined but haven't written yet. I joined to comment and stay in contact with some old writing friends. 

One of my friends suggested starting our own blogs. That's exactly what I did. I have had several over the years. This one Rusty2rusty's Chatter seems to be doing better than any other blog I have had. I am still writing on a few of the writing websites such as Mylot. As I love the people who are still there. I have been a member on Mylot for 11 years. That's a long to stay friends and make new ones. 

I do love writing about my niches and my life on this blog. I find it to be stress relieving and a way for me to get away for a little bit. I have honed down my writing niches to include home and family. Plus lifestyle. As my life is always changing. So, can my niches along with it. I do love creating and sharing new recipes. Especially using produce from my garden. My teenagers think I create and make some weird stuff. It must be strange to them if it isn't all comfort food and junk. This momma loves her veggies and fruit. I try to include them in almost anything I prepare. My favorite niches I like to write about are foods, animals, nature, home & family, and places I travel or visit. Most are local places. Sometimes I am lucky and are able to travel further. 

I am looking for to see what others have written about for their second day of this blog challenge. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

2017 July Ultimate Blog Challenge

Photo from a free photo sharing website.

I accepted a Blogging challenge to write a new post every day for the month of July. Even on the weekends when I mainly give up. Today July 1st is the very first day of the blogging challenge. 

I signed up for the last challenge but was unable to complete it due to a personal issue that I have written a few posts about. It was something that affected me so much, I could not write. For the first time in my life, I had writer's block because I was feeling so much pain. More than I ever felt in my entire life all at once. 

However, I manage to get through the pain and I am ready to start writing again. I have more ideas on things to write about. I am not done writing about the personal issue. As it is ongoing. I finally realized I am a strong woman and I can get through this, I can get through anything. There for a minute, I lost my confidence. Ladies and gentlemen, I am back!!!

Today is the day were my teenagers switch bedrooms. As my nephew has moved in. he has been sleeping on the couch because my son's room is the smallest room in the house. he will be switching rooms with his sister. The bigger room is better to suit two growing teenage boys. Compared to where they are now. I know my daughter will have to be pushed to get her moving but somehow we will get it all done. I can't wait, I will get my living room back. I can get back to do my exercises at night after everyone goes to bed. It has been two months, I am ready for a positive move to turn positive all the way around if you know what I mean. I also can start writing my blogs early in the morning or late at night and not worry about my typing bothering by waking them or stopping them from being able to sleep. 


I am looking forward to participating in the 2017 July Ultimate Blog Challenge. If you have any questions about the challenge, Please check out the blog challenge 's FAQ page

Are you participating in the July 2017 Ultimate Blog Challenge or some other challenge for the month of July?

Friday, June 30, 2017

Time To Get A Move On And Get Things Done

Oh my! I told my teens they were changing their rooms around today. As my nephew stays in the room with my son, which has the smallest room in the house, which leaves him sleeping on the couch. This should have been done two months ago. I want my living room back. Of course, this leads to my daughter arguing and being defensive. All because I said my teen son has to move the big things out of his room first, as he has less stuff. That way my daughter's things can be placed in the smaller room right off bat.
My son suggested leaving the closest for last. I agreed. Move the bigger heavier stuff first and get it out of the way. Also, this way my daughter will have her stuff in her room where she can put back and organize herself. Not take several days to weeks and have the things sitting all over the house waiting for her to do it. Til I get upset and either do it myself or throw out a month from now on big trash day. I want my house back. I want it organized and not messy.
Either way, this forces her to do the work herself after the heavy lifting and moving are done. Plus, it gives my nephew a room to actually sleep in. After this is done. My teen son and I plan on getting bunk beds or something to save space for both of them to sleep comfortably and make sure each has a dresser to put clothes away in. I can't do that the way the rooms are set up now.
All I know that leaves for a bunch of work to be done this weekend. I will sore and exhausted by the time the weekend is done. As of right now, I am ready to get a move on. I am like let's get her done.

Photos courtesy of a free use photo website.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

8 Things You Need To Start Container Gardening

Tomato and peppers in buckets

Recently I started my seeds in three buckets I had laying around the home. I planted sunflowers, spinach, and watermelon. I couldn't find the rest of my seed packets. I looked everywhere.

Collar greens, peppers, and tomatoes in containers.

Lucky for me, a local flower shop was giving away vegetable plants. I missed the first day of the giveaway. I was able to go the very next morning after picking my daughter up from summer school. Customers were able to grab as many vegetable plants as they wanted. Being this late in June, there are still vegetable plants that can be planted late in Ohio and still produce a bunch of yummy vegetables.

Click photo to enlarge.
Planting in containers

I went from having three buckets of seeds planted to all of this. I ran out of containers to plant in. What I had left I placed in the flower bed out front in between the boards of a small pallet. 

I was able to plant several varieties of tomatoes, spicy peppers (Habanero, Tabasco etc.), collard greens, sweet bell peppers and more. It's not everything I wanted to plant this year. I can't complain. It is more than what I had when I started. I feel blessed.

8 Things You Need To Start A Container Garden

1. Containers: The first thing you need is to collect your containers. You can plant in any type or size of containers. The bigger the plant, the bigger container you will need. You also need to decide if you planting one plant per pot or several in one to save space. Containers also make moving the plants indoors easier if you want to get more produce when the colder weather starts to set in.

2. Drainage Holes: Most containers come with drainage holes. If not, you need to make your own drainage holes. You can use a drill to add holes or use a screw driver to pound holes with a hammer. Too wet of soil can kill different plants. The plants will drown.

3. Stones, Rocks, or Soda Cans: These items will help with drainage. They help cover the holes to keep the soil in but allow extra water to drain out. Plus, they help take up extra space instead of using so much soil. Clean soda cans work well in larger containers for two reasons. They are light weight if you need to move the container after planting and can hold water.

4. Soil And Or Mulch: Your plants need plenty of soil to allow for root growth and to help keep your plants standing upright in a strong wind. Instead of blowing over or being uprooted. Mulch is a great cover on top of the soil to help support the plants. Mulch also works well as the soil. If you run out of the soil and only left with mulch. 

5. Seeds or Plants: Whether you start with seeds or go to your local home & garden center to get plants, you need to start with a list. That way you know what you have and don't have. Carry your list and mark the seed or plant off when picking them out.

6. Seed Or Plant Tags: Keep the plant tags to place in the containers you are growing them in. If you don't have any, you can make your own by using popsicle sticks or plastic spoons. Write what each seed or plant is on each tag you create. That way you know what you planted. This is great if you plant several varieties of the same plant or seed.

7. Fertilizer: Some people choose to buy soil with fertilizer already in it. For those who don't or those who use the dirt from their backyard, fertilizer is great to help the growth of your seeds or plants. I tend to use a slow release fertilizer. As to much fertilizer can burn the roots. 

8. Sunlight: Most of all you need adequate sunlight. The more sun your seeds and plants can have, the bigger and healthier they will grow. I like to place mine in an area that is sunny with no to minimal shade.   

Is there anything you can add to what one would need to start a container garden?

Photos ©Sandy KS unless otherwise stated.
I am an Amazon Affiliate which you may see things for purchase, where I will earn something if you make a purchase. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

She is a Child She Is Not To Blame

This is the continuation from where I left off at "He made my daughter get in the car." 

I just found out my ex-fiance had made my special needs daughter get in the car down at the bus pick up. By this point my nerves are shot. I had to make a decision and fast. Every bad scenario was flashing through my brain. I kept thinking what was I taught to do in case something like this happened. 

When my son came home, I told him to go to his room. He did not have to shut his door. He could listen to what I had to say to his sister but I didn't want him to say a word. As I wanted my daughter to feel comfortable enough to tell me what was going on. I could see the confusion on his face as he shook his head in agreement and went to his room. He left his door open.

Luckily, my daughter came strolling up the street before I could complete my thought process. Those few minutes was probably the longest minutes I have ever experienced in my life. Relief washed over me.

As soon as my daughter walked through the front door, I let her know we needed to have a serious talk. I started asking her the same questions I have asked her countless times before. Such as: Has anyone touched you in your private spots? Have you touched anyone in their private areas? Etc. All questions came with a swift no. Yet, I knew better because I saw the videos. 

I finally decided to get the point. I told my daughter,"I know what happen. I know he made you get in the car." She started crying. At that point she knew I was aware of what had been happening. I asked her what my ex-fiance said to her in his car. She told me he had told her to say it was Brain, his brother. Not him. I looked at her and asked her if she thought I was dumb as I started playing the video. I asked her if she thought I couldn't recognize my own daughter or what my ex-fiance's member looked like. 

I kept my voice calm the entire time I was questioning my daughter. She was crying and getting defensive. She started screaming I was blaming her. I quickly reassured her that I was not blaming her as I gave her a hug. That she was not to blame. That she was the child. He was an adult. He knew what he was doing was wrong. He did not care about her or me. He cared about himself. I did not blame her. As she was not the one in control.

I asked her if she wanted me to call the police. She said no. I asked her why not? As she stared at me I asked her if she wanted the same thing that happened to her to happen to another little girl because it would if we didn't call the police to stop it. She said no. She was scared. That is when I told her she doesn't have a choice. That I had already called the police. I was waiting for them to show up. My daughter ran to her room. 


I am going to stop writing for today. I will continue tomorrow. This is therapeutic writing but it is hard and relieving the ordeal does take a toll on me. I am writing this in hopes to help others. Even if it is as simple as letting them they are not alone. If this is happening to you or your family. You must speak out and speak up to get it to stop.

All photos are from, a free use photo web sharing website.