Religious & Controversial

I write different posts on religion and ones that seem controversial. Not everyone believes in religion. That is why I have grouped it with controversial.

With that being said. I am of the Christian faith. I am a sinner. I know I am far from being perfect. Some things I can be very open minded about. Other things I will not budge on. 

I believe in God, Jesus as my savior, and the Holy Ghost. I believe in the power of prayer and being positive. As it has helped me deal with my anxiety and depression. Where medicines have failed.

I do not hate other religions because they do not believe what believe. I think it is up to the individual to decide.

I have a grown son who believes in God. But differently than me. I also have a teen son who does believe in God at all. I have a teen daughter who believes in God and loves going to church. I have a boyfriend who believe sin God but not going to church. As he thinks most people that go are hypocrites.

Do you believe in God or religion?

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