
I really enjoy writing reviews on products and services my family and I have tried. All reviews are based off my families and my personal experiences. All opinions reflect the opinion of my family and mine alone. I will give an honest review whether it is good or bad.

Remember if you are wanting to try a product to check out any reviews. That way you will not be in for a surprise or big disappointment.

I review all sorts of products for the home, electronics, garden, or added security measures, dog products, food products and things that can be used in the kitchen. From time to time you will see reviews for others items as well. Many items I review can be found and ordered through

If you would like to give me a product to review in exchange for a blog review. Plus, sharing through varies social media. 
Please contact me through my email addressed to Sandy at :
with the product description and what your requirements are. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!

I am also going to share listing the reviews I do here. That way I will have a database of the products I review.


Product Reviews

Watermelon Slicer & Corer Review #WatermelonSlicer #Corer #KitchenProduct #review

Photo from Pixabay, a free use photo website.

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