Review Amazon Products

If you hear or find out about another review website. Please let me know here. I will be happy to check it out and add it to my growing list. 
Thank you! 

Here is where I will list all the websites I use to get free or discounted stuff. Having Amazon Prime allows me to get these items with free shipping and handling. Some websites have different rules. I plan to list each website and the differences. You may want to bookmark this page. I will update when I find a new website's for free or deep discounted products. I do try every website out.

**Amazon's new rule - Product viewers are not required to leave a review when receiving them for free, a deep discount or only shipping and handling. You can do so at your own free will. You are no longer allowed to add a disclaimer on Amazon to your reviews. If you do, your review will be removed. Plus, Amazon come ban your account. 

If you are a seller and would like me to review your products. Please send an EMAIL with the item you would like reviewed.  Along with a description, price and link to the product on Amazon. Plus, any special instructions you may have. 

1. Elite deals Club - This website hosts a contest each week on who can bring in the most new members. Top winner will get s $25 amazon card 2 - 4 will get a $10 amazon card, next 16 will get a $5 Amazon card. Update - This website has changed their rules. To get the best and cheaper deals you must give a credit card number which you will be charged a dollar for each product before receiving a code. Since I do not order directly from the website but through I refuse to give a credit card number. There are other websites with the same products with charging a $1.00 fee to use

2. Jump Send - This website use to be Review Start. You choose the item you want. You will get an email if you are chosen. I love this review website. It is one of my favorites.

3. Giveaway Service - You apply for the one you want to review. You want to see if you are chosen. If you are, you must complete certain tasks. Each is different with each item. some tasks require taking photos and sharing among social networks. You will be required to pay shipping and handling regardless if you have Amazon Prime or not. 

4. Vip0n - This has a lot of products. However, you have to pay shipping and handling on this one. The con of this website is looking through products. You can search by lowest or highest price. But no in between. I don't know about you. I do not like scrolling through thirty pages to find a product. Which is something you would do if you want to find something in the middle price range.

5. Uber Zone Club - You sign up and get emails when something is available. Prices seem to be $1 on up. You must be quick to answer the emails. Or you can miss a great deal. If you do, keep trying til you get one. You will always pay shipping and handling on this site. Regardless if you have prime membership for free shipping or not.

6 Dollar Deal Review - This website is similar to "Amazing Group Deal", which I mentioned earlier. Instead of coins. You earn tickets to purchase items. More slots for tickets open, the more people you refer to the website. if you run out of tickets or slots, you can buy them.

7. iLoveToReview - You will receive an email when an offer is available. The email will let you know if it is free or will cost you a little bit.

8. IreviewHome - You access through an app if you have an iPhone. App only available through iPhone. Or wait to receive an email.

9. Skiva Platinum - You can sign up to receive samples of existing products in exchange of unbiased feedback.

10. Tomoson - I usually do well on this website. As it will alert me through email. Products are free to discounted. You check on your dashboard if you have been chosen to review a product. It is also where you will get the code.

11. Testzon - This website will show you Amazon's price and the price you will pay if you go through their website. You will receive an email from seller. If you are chosen to review the product after applying for it. prices vary from free to discounted.

12. Best One Review - Sign up for products ranging from free to discounted. This website lets you know the price and how much each item is discounted.

13. Amzrc  - A website where you can get free to deep discounts on products. In exchange for an honest review. You can also sign up for the affiliate program. Where you earn whenever someone signs up under your link or buys a product from a link you share.

14. Blue Ribbon Reviews - You sign up to receive emails of products to review. Amazon regularly updates its policies to keep the experience safe and smooth for buyers and seller alike.  As such it has a new policy in place making it so you MUST have boughten over $50 in products WITHOUT discount codes in order to qualify for reviewing.  

15. Deal Go Go Go! - Has a nice selection with a variety to choose from of products. From free to deeply discounted.

16. Review Directory - This website is open to bloggers product reviewers.

17. AMZ Special - You need to sign up by email. I have tried this website out yet.

18. Lucky21 - Sign up to receive to receive email of free to deep discounted products. This is a store out of New York that has an Amazon store front.

19. Brand Aware Club - Sign up to email alerts for the free to discounted products from 50 to 80% off.

20. Snagshout  - This review site sends an occasional email with things to review. or you can go straight to the website to choose.

21. LootHoot - You can connect to all your social media links.

22. KabelDirekt - Once you create an account. You check in to see if they have any products to offer you to review. The discount varies from a little to a lot.

23. Influenster - You sign up and add all your social media links. If you qualify, you will receive a free box of samples to try from Influenster. You will need to follow their requirements for each sample via social media.

24. Home Testers Club - A website where you comment and must be active to get free products to review. The products are new ones that come out in the supermarket. If you want to be one of the first people to try new products that come out. This would be a good website to join.

Also note, if I do not have information about a website. It is new to me. Or I have not had much enough orders through them yet. However, I thought I would add them in case you want to try them out.

If a link is not working, please let me know. That way I can fix it as soon as possible. Thank you!


  1. Thanks for the list. I'll have to check some of these out.

    Since I don't have prime (can't afford it) most place don't consider me for free samples. I also cant afford shipping and handling charges, and it takes me FOREVER to get enough gift cards to meet the almost $50 minimum for free shipping now.

    1. You can choose the one time fee of $99 for a year. Or pay $10.99 a month. I saved up and got the year membership. I am glad I did. It is well worth it. I have saved a ton of money on many products.

      Anyone can sign up for Amazon Prime :

    2. I would love to start doing this. I don't have an Instagram account. I suppose that I'd need one to participate in most of these. Thanks for the list!

    3. Most of these programs only require a review on Choose which websites you like, check out and read the rules. As they differ from site to site. Tomoson does require Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blog, Amazon and sometimes YouTube video share.

  2. Wow! Long may Prime continue to serve you so well.

    1. Thank you. I hope it does too. I have saved a ton of money this year alone on things I need for the house and my family. I do not visit every website every day. Nor order something every day. As many of the websites are like placing a bid, it is up tot he seller to choose you for the free item or discount. I get many rejections compared to offers.

  3. I have used They are one of the newer sites but have great deals, easy signup, no wait for coupons, real people answer your help questions and they have a weekly contest to win a $25 AMZ Giftcard!! What more can you ask for?

  4. It likewise limits the seller's hazard if (say) eBay close down the seller's record, in which he/she could depend on his/her Amazon record to maintain deals. Ecom Income Blueprint

  5. Amazon Payment Guide collects the payment for the seller, and deposits the funds into your checking account.

  6. Thanks Sandy for sharing this. well written information. Happy to share it.


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