Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cleaning And Organizing Is A Must

Picture © belongs to SandyKS
Last night I burned a bunch of cardboard boxes, papers, an old desk broken to pieces and wood laying around out back. I was able to get a big area cleared out. Earlier this week I was going through my shed. I was selling some things off of my ex's. Plus, giving my brother and his dad a bunch of stuff I have no use for. Nor want to deal with trying to sell. They have a shop where the items would be more useful. I'd rather the items go to someone who can use them. Instead of having a reminder sitting in my shed I don't want to deal with.

Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
I swept the leaves off the cement today. Lol, I know I need to rake the leaves from the yard otherwise they will be on the cement again. I swept them into a pile for now. Later I will end up burning them as well.
Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
Clean a bunch up in the kitchen. My daughter thinks she can start something and not have to clean up after herself at all. An example: She cut the watermelon in half. She scooped part of the watermelon out. Left everything on the stove. Including her mess from the watermelon juices, utensils she used, and rinds. Didn't even put the other half of the watermelon in the fridge or cover it up with plastic wrap. I literally have to go in the kitchen after she leaves it to clean it up.
Picture from Pixabay, a free use image sharing website.
Not just her but all the teens have been slacking. I was hoping to have things organized and me on my way to painting the walls in the kitchen for a crisp clean feel by now. I started to organize more last night because I couldn't sleep.
Things I Have Done To Clean And Organize My Kitchen

1. I took the old metal shelves out. Since someone bent one of the legs.
2. I replaced it with a smaller shelf that has less room. I placed a plastic tote to add all the snacks, crackers and things like that.
3. I also have a box on top of that with my extra can goods I don't have room for in my cupboard space.

4. I cleaned up all the trash that had fallen under or was kicked under the table. It was empty boxes and an empty milk jug.
5. I have a box of things I want to get rid of on the first big trash day. Mainly broken items or things we no longer use. It will stay there for now unless I can talk one of the teens to take it to the shed.
6. I took the recycling out to the recycling bin.
7. I picked up towels, a sock, and two shirts and placed them in the dirty clothes basket in the laundry room.
8. I swept the floor.

I am not done yet. I need to mop the floor, clear the table off, take a few things to the shed, and wipe all the counters and stove off.

Do you have any cleanup or organization projects going on?

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  1. Sounds like you have been super busy! I have been organizing room by room. It's going slow since I only have weekends. By the time I get home from work on weekdays, it's too late to start a major project.

    1. Yes, I have been super busy. It is not easy following teens and picking up after them. I don't like the its not my job mentality. We all live here. If you make a mess, clean it up. I am not a maid or babysitter.

  2. The weather has gotten cooler here so we have been a lot of cleaning out doors.

    1. It has here. That is the only way I was able to accomplish what I have out doors. I still have more to do. I want to get it done before snow falls.

  3. I pretty much live in my bedroom so it seems to always be cluttered, small spaces are like that. I know all this cleaning and organizing is sure to make you feel better in the long run.

    1. Yes, small spaces do seem cluttered more. My house is a tiny house. Not much room. It looks cluttered to quickly.

  4. You are lucky you can even burn. For several weeks, we've been under extreme fire alert, level two. That means no fires of any sort outside. People can't even barbecue. That is because Montana currently has one wildfire at over 270,000 acres, two at just under 40,000 acres, three at over 20,000 acres, 6 at over 10,000 acres, and numerous other wildfires. They don't want to take any chances of people adding to the burning acreage.

    1. Yes, I am lucky to live where I do. It has been getting cooler here. Pretty soon. I will have to lug baskets to the laundry mat. As the weather has been to cool to hang clothes on the line. My dryer broke down back in May. I am hoping to find a go9od used dryer by time winter hits. I don't want to spend extra money drying clothes.

  5. Your post is extremely helpful. I will keep following. Thank you for sharing this information.
    Commenting from : schoolblog

  6. cleaning kitchen is not a cup of tea. it is a messy work.. after reading your post,i will try to organize it well

    1. Yes, a messy kitchen can be a task to keep clean. Especially when I have three teenagers to follow behind. Organizing is a must to keep track of everything.

  7. Way to go! I know you feel better with some of that out of YOUR house. Things will get better with time. I am proud of you for the progress you have made.

    1. Yes, I sure do. I have a lot more to go. The past couple of days I have been helping more pick up totes from an estate sale. We have to provide our own boxes and bags to get the stuff. Oh my we have been doing it for three days now. Lots of old tins and avon still in boxes.

  8. Nice one Sandy...keep it up and maybe it will rub off on the teens :)

    1. Lmao, now that made me laugh. I am hoping it will rub off on them but highly doubt it at this point. I think my daughter will be a hoarder and I will probably go in her house and help her keep it clean.


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