Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Turkey Dinner With A Plan

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One thing I like to do when I make dinner for my family is have a plan. I like to plan everything from from creating or finding a recipe, preparing it, all the way down to the small details of serving it. Many of my foods I make with be used for more than one meal. 

Frozen turkey already precooked
Such as last night's dinner. I received a frozen turkey breast and a box of potatoes from one of my local food banks. The turkey has 8 to 10 servings. Which will be 2 to 3 meals in my family. It is precooked.

Case of microwaveable potatoes
I also received a case of individually wrapped 
microwaveable potatoes. Each one takes 5 to 7 minutes to cook in the microwave. I can cook more than one at a time in the microwave with an increase of cooking time. These will save me a bunch of time cooking this summer. This box will last me a couple of months if I store them in a cool dry place.

Precooked turkey in crock pot. 
Last night I placed the turkey in the crock pot. It has already been precooked. Within a few hours it was ready to serve. The turkey came already glazed. I did not have to add anything to do. It reminds me of those precooked spiral hams you find around the holidays.

The turkey was already thinly cut in to portions. I arranged them on a paper plate to show the cut size. The edges are dark in color from the glaze placed on the turkey. 

I heated one potato per family member in the microwave. It was three people. As my teen son stayed with his older brother. I placed on a plate with a couple slices of turkey. I also placed a portion of canned carrots on the plate. With a portion of boxed turkey stuffing.

The turkey and potato were free. I paid 63 cents for the can of carrots. I paid $1.00 for the box of turkey stuffing.
I had left over turkey and potatoes. This meal for three people cost equals out to be around 55 cents per person. Not bad for a family living on budget that makes meal with a plan.

The left over turkey will be used to make sandwiches to take on vacation tomorrow. Part of turkey will be diced up and used in a salad for dinner tonight. 

I love it when a plan comes together that saves me money. 

Do you like to save when creating meals? Do you have any tips to save when creating meals?


  1. What a huge savings - love it when a meal can be put together like that!

    1. Yes, I saved a lot. I am very thankful we have a good food bank where I live.

  2. This should help busy people who are wondering what to have for dinner. With a few changes in the side dishes, it might even be good for holidays.

    1. This is great for busy people. It sure helped my family out.

  3. What a great savings for your family! I love to cook a whole turkey or a large ham this way, and then plan ways to use the leftovers. Often, a $30 half-sized ham will yield up to 3 or 4 meals for our family of 6. So it's worth planning ahead!

    1. Yes, it definitely worth planning ahead. I was able to stretch it for my family for a few meals. I saved a bundle.


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