Monday, June 27, 2016

Cat Food Recalled By Radagast

This product has been sold in Canada and the United States. It is important for consumers to stop feeding and throw away the following cat food to their cats :

Frozen Rad cat raw diet products in  1, 8, 16, and 24 ounces. Lots codes with the following numbers : 
62384, 62416, 62372, and 62361. Lot codes can be found under the sell by date. The grass fed flavored chicken, beef, and chicken are affected. 

The company is doing a voluntary recall due to possible contamination of Listeria monocytogenes and salmonella.

For refund claims. Go to or call Radagast Pet Food Inc at (503) 736 - 4649 for further assistance.

Please share this recall with as many pet consumers and animal lovers you know.


  1. Oh my, that's not good.....hope all the kitties are safe out there....

  2. Thanks for the informative post! I've never bought this for my cats, but glad to see you are spreading the word.

    1. Thank you Sarah, I try and share any recall I learn about when it comes to pet foods.

  3. Shared with my cat loving friends. Alana


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