Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Having Troubles with Thanksgiving menu?

I ventured on a site while searching for Thanksgiving day menu. As I like to add new items with my traditional items for Thanksgiving meal.
This gives me family and friends new options they have not tried before. Plus, the traditional items for those who are afraid to try something new.
I found the "The Thanksgiving-erator". It allows you to select different options. At the end a recipe will pop up.
After my selection. The recipe for "Sous Vide Turkey" came up. I have never heard of this dish before. Have you?
It seems to be main dish with five ingredients. That's it. It has a picture which looks to be a soup. I think I will keep this recipe to try with left over turkey after Thanksgiving.
Photo from through Pixabay for a search for the words recipes.

1 comment :

  1. I love to find new ways to fix the after Thanksgiving turkey. Will have to give this one a try.


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