Monday, October 27, 2014

The Queen's Quail Eggs

The Queen was quick to have the Quaker catch the quivering quail for a quarter.
She instructed the Quaker to place the quail in with the quail house, with the rest of her quails.
She also had the Quaker search for any quail eggs. As she was hungry and ready for a yummy meal created with quail eggs.
The Quaker went on the quest of the Queen to find some quail eggs for a meal.
The quirky Quaker was quaking in his boots. When he found a couple of quail eggs. Only to trip which caused the eggs to break.
The Quaker hurried as he looked for more quail eggs. He looked and looked to no relief.
To his dismay, the Queens men came in the quail house. Grabbed the Quaker up by his arms and dragged him in front of the Queen.
The Queen ordered the Quaker to work off the cost of the quail eggs in her dungeon.
That was four years ago, the Quakers wife comes every day at the same time. To the Queens castle. She stands outside the gates. Hoping one day she will see her husband emerging from the Queen's dungeon.
-The End.
Halloween theme "Q" words are hard to come up with. I am not as quirky with this list compared to other letters of the alphabet :
Queen, quick, quirky, quint, quail, quake, Quaker, quart, quest, quiver, quarter

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