Friday, June 24, 2016

Teriyaki Chicken Over Fried Rice

Last weekend my boyfriend two my two teenagers to a lake. It is a lake we go to each year with some friends to celebrate father's day. The lake has zip lines, several different kinds of slides and other things to do. I decided not to go for several reasons. 

1. Temperatures were in the 90's - I can't handle hot temperatures. As my body will swell and I have a hard time breathing.
2. Mother nature decided to give me some really bad cramps. Sometimes being a woman really sucks.
3. My GERD was really being a beast. As I was up all night long and morning puking my guts out. I was not in any condition to visit with friends and go swimming.

I was lucky though. My oldest boy, his baby momma and my grandson stopped over to see how I was doing. He made me a homemade teriyaki chicken over rice. 

You can see he made this from scratch. He used frozen peas, corn and carrots, brown rice, chicken pieces and created a yummy stir fry with a teriyaki with pineapple marinade.

I love that my son has a knack for cooking as much as I do. Cooking is something I have taught each of my children to have a skill in.

When the last time someone made you dinner?


  1. Believe it or not I have NEVER tasted teriyaki chicken - or teriyaki anything for that matter! I do like a nice stir fry but only of plain, non-spicy type.

  2. The lake sounds fun and so does the chicken teriyaki. I think my husband would enjoy this entree.

  3. I can't remember the last time someone made me dinner. You are indeed lucky.

  4. The dinner your son made looks great! We rent a basement apartment, and the people we rent from cooked dinner for us last Sunday. Smoked ribs, salad, corn on the cob, and some stir-fried asparagus.

  5. Looks like he made you a great meal! I love frozen peas much better than canned ones, they are so colorful and not mushy.

  6. Looks like he made you a great meal! I love frozen peas much better than canned ones, they are so colorful and not mushy.


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