Friday, June 24, 2016

Hostess Brownies MilkyWay Review

The other day I was shopping at Dollar General. When my teen age daughter talked me in to picking up a box of Hostess Brownies MilkWay's. While we was in the check out line. 

It was impulse buy that I don't normally do. I have got away from buying snacks at the stores. Instead I started making my own. Since the heating element has went out in my stove. The only way to make a brownie or cake is in my baby cakes maker. I didn't ant to that. So, I picked up a box for my family to try out.

As you can tell from the picture, the actual product does not look like it appears to be on the box. It never does. It always looks better on the box.

Taking a bite out of the Hostess Brownies MilkWay, I tasted chocolate. It tasted like a chocolate brownie. It did have small chunks of MilkyWay on top. I was able to taste. Maybe if their was more toppings added It would of tasted like a MilkyWay and a Brownie mixed together.

If you want a sweet treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. This product will do the job. I took two bites and passed it on to my teenage son to finish. He loved them and wants to me to the Hostess M&M Brownies to try next.

I don't know if I am going to do that or not. I have to think about it.

If I hate to rate this from 1 to 5. 5 begin the highest rated. I would rate this a 4. I think hostess did a great job in coming up with a sweet treat to satisfy our taste buds for something sweet. However, I think they slightly missed the mark when you could not taste a MilkyWay and a brownie in every bite.  


  1. It's kind of weird that they used chocolate frosting instead of caramel on top of the brownies.

    1. Yes, it threw me off. I wondered if they package the wrong item in the wrong box.

  2. It's kind of weird that they used chocolate frosting instead of caramel on top of the brownies.

  3. I've never heard of them but look like they would be good for quick snacks. I too like to make my own, I can get a box mix of brownies for 99 cents that makes a 9 x 13 pan or pay $6.00 for 4 brownies at the store.

    1. I enjoy making homemade brownies better than these. My heating element when out in my oven back in March. For me to enjoy brownies I must buy them. These didn't cut it close to homemade brownies but will satisfy a sweet tooth.

  4. Haven't seen these , sounds yummy for a treat!


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