Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Celebrate Having A Mutt

Today is National Mutt Day. It is celebrated every 6 months. One July 31st and December 2nd every year. The day was created for us 'mix breed' owners can celebrate our mutts. If your dog owner, you don't have to have a designer breed or a popular breed. owning a mutt can be one of the best things in your life.

I have owned designer breeds, popular breeds and and breeds that have been registered. today, I am owned by two mixed breeds. 

My oldest is 3 year old Chug, which is a Chihuahua and Pug mix. A Chug is a designer breed. However, my Chug is a mutt. As his momma was a Chihuahua and his daddy a Pug. Who was bred by irresponsible pet owner. The owner claimed to be getting rid of her employers dog, female Chihuahua which later named Fawn. She had no information about the dog, nor could get it. Always had some excuse. She also lied. As with in two weeks of having fawn in my home. I was awoke by the sound of three puppies being born behind my couch. 

Fawn also had an issue with men. She feared them. I had my boyfriend's, grown son and my teenage son living with me at the time. Not a good mix. I had to re-home Fawn as soon as the puppies were old enough to be weaned at 8 weeks from their momma. I was not happy about this. As with her issues, she was hard to place. 

My Chug is comical like a Pug. His tail can curl or stay straight. His fur is like a Pug. Which makes him able to stay outside longer in the cold and snow. He is very vocal. He loves to play and cuddle in bed. He is also very protective if a stranger comes around me.

My other mutt is a Chihuahua mix. He was born last summer in Texas. His momma was allowed to come and go as she wanted. Sometimes being tied up. When not, she always managed to get knocked up. A friend asked if we wanted a Chihuahua mix puppy for free. They did not know what the puppies were mixed with other than a long haired Chihuahua. My family ended up getting the smaller white one. His ears are the same color as his momma. He is the runt of the bunch.

My Chihuahua mix has long hair like a Chihuahua. he acts just like a Chihuahua clear down to the occasional shakes. He thinks he is the size of a English Mastiff in his pint size stature. He has no issue sitting in my hand / arms to be carried around or be taken for a ride.

Both dogs are mutts. Both have different personalities. Both claim me as their rightful owner. Both have stolen my heart.

If you have a mutt, make sure you celebrate them today.

If you are looking for a dog, but haven't picked one out yet. Please don't overlook owning a mutt. They tend to have qualities from what they are mixed with.

Have you celebrated a 'MUTT" today?

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