Wednesday, November 25, 2015

WW : More Storage Auction Finds

I am still going through the items I won in the storage auction a few weeks ago. Not having much space in this house makes it hard to go through things at once. I do have a shed out back. It is full of personal belonging and more stuff from the auction. I will say I do enjoy going through all the stuff in the huge storage unit I had won. The excitement of what could be in the next box or plastic tub can be exhilarating. 

I recently was able to go through 15 to 20 bags of clothes, pillows, sheets and comforters that was in the storage unit. I made sure all trash and other things were removed. It took over two days to do this. The bags were donated to a local church. Who are giving to a family in need. I did warn them all the items needed washed. As they had sat in storage for up to 10 years. There is lots of dust. However many things look brand new and still have tags on them.

Now, my boyfriend and I need to go through everything and decide what we want to keep. Compared to what we plan to sell. I do plan on selling more than I keep.

Here is a few more things that came from the storage unit :

These are really pretty turquoise Christmas bulbs. I found a bunch of Christmas items. That I plan to sell or giveaway. As I only have a small tree that will sit on my kitchen table. These would not fit.

I plan to keep both of these. As I love cookbooks. Plus, I collect them. I have had some recipes from these cookbooks in the past. I can say Pampered Chef has some amazing recipes.

I found another Bible in the storage unit stuff. It is a "Good News" bible. Never heard of this one. Anyone have any clue's?

I plan to keep this mini Coca Cola glass. Plus this mini glass Coca Cola bottle. The mini glass is half the size of a 16 ounce of bottled water.

I plan to sell or give this ring holder away. I think is cute. However, I have no use for it. I added the hair ties. To show how small this ring holder is.

This is one of the many different cups I found among the storage unit finds. I will probably try to sell or donate it to one of the local thrift shops. Flowers are not my style on coffee cups.

More photos to come as I am able to go through the mounds of items found in the storage unit finds.

Would you buy any of these items? If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

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