Wednesday, October 28, 2015

WW - Dog Fashion

Today for my wordless wednesday post. I want to show off Rascal and Moose in their new sweaters. 

Rascals new sweater is gray, black with a white bone on the back. He loves taking photos. He loves wearing clothes. He may have long hair. However, the cold and snow affects him something fierce.

Moose would not pose for me at all. His sweater is black with different shades of gray. 

I think was mad at me for putting the sweater on him. However, he has been spending more time outside since it has grown colder. 

Moose was so upset for having the sweater he climbed up on my boyfriend's lap to pout.

I mean look at Moose's face. I don't think he was happy with me at all.

However, I bought each sweater at Walmart. The prices were from $3.99 to $5.99 depending on size. Sizes range from extra small to large. rascal fit in an extra small. Moose fits in a medium. I choose each sweater. As they were the only to similar in colors.

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