Monday, June 15, 2015

How To Add A Blog To Your Reading List on Blogger.

Many of my friends and loyal readers have been asking me how to add a blog to their reading list on their account. I decided to write up this tutorial to help them and others along.

First thing you to do is login to your blogger account. Scroll down to where you see the button that says "Add".

Click to enlarge for a better view

A new will pop open.

Click to enlarge for  a better view
Add the url of the blog you want to follow. It does not have to be another blogger blog. Once you do click follow. The blog is added to your list.

Click to enlarge for  a better view

As you can see from the above picture. The blog has been added to my reading list. It is that easy.

Have you ever written a tutorial? If so, for what?

Challenge : Write a tutorial for something.

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