Tuesday, September 6, 2016

8 Things To Think About When Buying A Dog Bed

Since both my dogs are crate trained. Plus, the crates sit there not being used. I have put the crates up to make clear up the spaces. The dog beds were removed from the crates. I gave my bigger dog, Moose bed to a friend who needed one for her dog. I bought a new bed for Moose to sleep in. One that was bigger where he could lay stretched out. 

When I first got the new dog bed, I placed it in the livingroom where Moose lays the most on the floor. I know winter is coming, he will not be happy on the floor. As it will be too cold. Moose wanted nothing to do with the new dog bed. Rascal my smallest dog sure did. He took it over by dragging the toys in to the new dog bed. 

Moose took to the new dog bed when people would visit. There wouldn't be any place on the couch for him to sit. He would go to the new dog bed. Afterwards Rascal would join Moose to lay in the bed. There is plenty of room for both of them. When it is bedtime, they do not sleep in their dog beds. They sleep in bed with the humans in the house.

8 Things To Think About When Buying A Dog Bed

1. Choose the right size for your dog. 
2. Circle beds do good for dogs who like to curl when they sleep.

3. Square or rectangle beds do good for those who like to stretch out or roll over to sleep.  
4. Get a bed with a cushion for dogs with bad joints or suffer from arthritis.
5. Buy a bed made of good material. If it is itchy to you on touch. It will be itchy for the dogs.
6. If your dog likes to chew, buy a durable not chewable bed. Or train your dog to not chew on the bed. By giving them a chew bone every time they try to chew on the bed.
7. Make sure the bed has no tears or loose strings for the dog to chew, pull or get tangled up in. 
8. Buy a bed that is machine washable to extend the life of the bed. The extra large dog beds will fit in the oversize washers at laundromats.

Photo taken by  and  © belong to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.

If you looking to buy a new dog bed, check out these available ones on Amazon. Thank you for looking.


  1. I do not have a dog but two cats. This post was valuable to me in choosing a cat bed. Thanks.

    1. I am glad you seen the valuable in order to choose a cat bed. Thank you for your comment.

  2. The orthopedic beds were very helpful when I had a senior dog.

    1. I am glad you found the orthopedic ones to be successful in helping your senior dog.

  3. Comfort should be a top priority as should safety. All owners should take the few extra minutes to carefully choose. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. Yes, all pets should choose carefully. I never choose by looks alone. I learned that the hard way when one of my dogs tore up his bed. It has tassels I thought was cute. The dog thought the tassels made a good toy.

  4. All very good points, when we figure out what our next four legs look like, I will revisit this post.

  5. Great advice! Thank you. I need to buy two for the winter for the dogs.

    1. Your welcome. I have hardwood floors that get cold in the winter. Having a bed to help keep my dogs warm is a must.


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