Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Working In The Garden

A year ago I was having a dilemma of  what to do with the area under the tree. I wanted to take the area underneath my tree. Right here and move it. As nothing can grow very well. Except weeds. As the tree shades the area to much. I wanted to remove the wood border and move it to the other side of the yard by the fence. I know the extra dirt over time will slide down to the back of the yard. As the backyard towards the back of the fence fills with water every time it rains. Til we can get the time to move the dirt down. By shovel to that area. 

The area has been tilled up. As most of it is clay. Few things will grow in a shade under a tree. Sunflowers do great!!

 I have started to use pallets to build a garden. I still need to place some cardboard under the bottom pallets. Well, I ordered two book cases from Wal-mart. They came in. As soon as they can be put together. I will use the cardboard under the bottom pallets. I will fill them in will mulch and dead leaves this fall. Next spring I will fill the top pallets with dirt in order to have a garden. I had plans this year but things happened that placed it on the back burner.

This will free up more of the yard for the dogs to run around, the grandson to play, and my teens as they like to throw footballs back and fourth. 

The cost will be buying dirt to fill the pallets. I think it would worth it in the end. 

The tomatoes I planted in the front flower beds in the small pallets are growing well. I can't wait til they start producing. This tells me when I finally get the one set up in the backyard. I will be able to produce a lot of different vegetables. Maybe strawberries or grape to.

I have been checking out different article and blogs for designs and ideas when it comes to planting in pallets.

There are so many ideas for the use of pallets. From making gardens to making chairs and tables. Pinterest has a ton of ideas. have you ever recycled pallets for another use? If so, what did you do?


  1. Interesting idea. We don't garden here, as we don't have a yard, but Utah has a very short growing season anyway. Your tomatoes look great!


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