Sunday, January 31, 2016

Month Of January 2016 Gratitude

Gratitude : Something I am thankful for. I am going to write down every day something I am thankful for and why. It will help me write something positive each day.

Gratitude 1 : I am thankful for my grandson. Even if he wears me out. He is always full of smiles and giggles. He loves to make people laugh.

Gratitude 2 : I am thankful I have  a boyfriend who puts up with my hormonal attitude while doing everything he can to help me.

Gratitude 3 : I am thankful to wake up and see another day.

Gratitude day 4 : Even though we have our differences. Plus, I was not raised by her. I am thankful for my mother.

Gratitude day 5 : I am thankful for my two dogs. They are a great source of company. when I do not feel well, they stick near my side. If I am in bed all day. They are with me. 

Gratitude day 6 : I am thankful my boyfriend tells me every day he loves and I am beautiful no matter what I look like. He is an amazing man.

Gratitude day 7 : I am thankful my daughter gets special help for her learning issues.

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