Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Secret Spice

When I am making meals from scratch or from a box. I always add some type of spices. Whether it is one a recipe calls for, or something I like to add.

I tend to use Everglades seasoning the most. This is my favorite spice. I call it my secret spice. As you can't buy it in my local area. I can order it online from their website.

I first found out about the spice while living in Florida. By a real excellent cook name Lena. She did alot of home cooked southern meals that still make my mouth water thinking about them. She always used Everglades seasoning. At times it is the one seasoning she would use. I learned alot from her as we became fast friends.

For a simple use of Everglades seasoning : Buy a package of the boneless chicken drumette or chicken legs. Season them with Everglades seasoning. Pop in the oven or on the grill til done. Your guests and family will think you spend much more time making these.

I also use Italian seasoning alot in my creations. I love getting a thin steak adding Italian seasoning, a little butter and frying it up. Of course Everglade Seasoning is added.

What spice or spices do you tend to use alot in your cooking?

Photo from Google images : a free reuse.

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