Sunday, April 12, 2015

Fried Bread With Baked Zucchini Fries

Photo from Pixabay.

Tonight I want to write about "Milk". Milk is a liquid ingredient that can be included in making different drinks and recipes.

Photo from Pixabay.

Milk has come  along way since I was a kid. We had 2% Arps Dairy Milk. I don't remember anything else. I do remember the school offered chocolate flavored milk. If we wanted to have that at home. We had to make our own chocolate milk. I don't remember it being in the stores.

Now I walk in the store to buy milk and see all kinds of options. More than one brand. Milk has come along way since I was a kid.

Copyright rusty2rusty

The other night I made a snack for my family. I made homemade Zucchini fries. I wanted something healthy. Something my family would ask for me to make again.

I made an egg wash mixed with milk. Another bowl I added flour with different spices. I added oregano, nutmeg, Italian sea salt, pepper, and Everglades seasoning. I cut up the zucchini in quarters. I dipped each zucchini in the egg wash mixture. Than covered each piece in the flour and spice mixture. I baked about 15 minutes til golden brown.

Out of 1 - 5. With 5 being the highest. I rate this a 5. As it was a unanimous vote I needed to add more spices. Otherwise it was a good snack to munch on.

The next evening I made breaded pickles in the oven. I used the same combination but added more spices. This went over better for my family. More spices, yeah! I'll take a win anyway I can with my picky eaters.

Copyright rusty2rusty

However I was not done. I did not want to waste the egg wash mixture. Or the flour mixture. So, I decided to make a new recipe. One off the wall recipe. I was making a fried bread. What I did was mix the egg wash mixture and flour mixture together. I added more milk and some pickle juice to the mixture.

Copyright rusty2rusty

I placed a small amount and fried them in vegetable oil. I also fried some in butter til they were golden brown. I had no idea how these was going to taste or if it was going to turn out.

Copyright rusty2rusty

I was able to get a bunch of these things. As they look like tiny pancakes. My family was the ultimate taste testers. From a scale from 1 to 5. 5 being rated the highest. I rate this a 5. My family loves the spice filled fried bread. They prefer the ones fried in butter compared to the oil. They make a nice snack reheated in the microwave about 20 seconds as a late night snack.

As for the recipe, most I come up with is by hand. i don't measure anything out but can make the recipe the same way each time. My grandmother taught me how to use a pinch of this or a dab of that.

Challenge : Write about "MILK".

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