
Writing Challenges

From time to time I enjoy doing a 'writing challenge'. Sometimes the challenge will be to write about a certain subject or describe a photo. Whichever challenge it is, the challenge helps to push me to think and write better.

From time to time, I write a whole month of ideas to write about in advance. I challenge myself to complete a blog post for each idea within a month's time.

Sometimes I am able to complete the challenge. Other times I have not. I do not feel bad about not completing them if I can't. As real life does indeed come before blogging. Sometimes it gets in the way.

If I issue any monthly writing challenge. I will link to them here. I like writing challenges. As I push myself to be more creative. Plus, I try and improve each time. I like to do it because, to me, it is fun.

June 2016 Writing Challenges
September 2016 Writing Challenges
October 2016 Writing Challenges
November 2016 Writing Challenges
31 Days of Blogmas - December Writing Challenges
January 2017 Writing Challenges
28 Writing Ideas for February 2017

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