
Sunday, April 2, 2017

My All Care Giveaway Win

Gift Basket Win In Giveaway From All Care.

About two weeks ago I attended a Health Wellness Show. It basically was geared towards older adults. As many of the booths were services for older adults. Such as All Care. They provide services and care to help the elderly. 

Gift Basket Win In Giveaway From All Care.

I entered a giveaway they had. I won a gift basket. The gift basket has a bunch of goodies in it. I love looking at everything that was packed in the basket.

Besides winning the basket, while I was at the Health & Wellness Show, I was able to pick free pens, pencils, notepads, keychains, recipes, and other assorted goodies. I still need to go through the bag I brought home. I want to category everything to see what I all picked up. Look for that post coming this week.

Hygiene products won in a giveaway.

A Great Hygiene Package

Here is what I found in the basket 

1. VO5 Shampoo
2. VO5 Conditioner
3. White Rain body wash
4. Dermasil lotion 
5. Package containing 2 toothbrushes
6. Q-tips
7. Crest toothpaste
8. Mini manicure set
9. Chapstick
10. All Care notepad
11. All Care lotion
12. Bath scrubber
13. Back bath scrubber

Plus, I get a cute purple basket to store things in. 

If you don't enter 'Giveaways' and 'Sweepstakes' you are missing out on opportunities to win free stuff. Did n't you know you can't win if you don't enter?

What was the last thing you won? Do you enter sweepstakes or giveaways? If not, what would it take for you to enter one?

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