
Monday, April 3, 2017

2 Different Flavors Of Beef Ribs On The Grill

Beef ribs with BBQ and Teriyaki flavoring

Yesterday I hosted a mini BBQ party. First, my daughter and I woke up and attended church. It lasts about two hours.

Cooking on the grill - Burgers and steak

After leaving there we stopped off at Walmart, Chief's and Dollar General to pick up things for the party.  A bunch of people showed up to the BBQ. All of my children were there and their families, my nephew, my mom, his dad, and a bunch of friends.  

My grandson

My grandson had a blast playing with a plastic ball, blowing bubbles and using chalk on the cement. 

BBQ Beef ribs

As for the beef ribs, each was covered in butter and baked for over an hour in the oven. The biggest beef ribs were covered in Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. The smaller set of beef ribs were covered in a Teriyaki sauce. 

Teriyaki beef ribs

Why the two different types of flavors on the ribs? Well, everyone knows BBQ sauce is made with tomatoes. I am allergic to tomatoes. So, we had to choose something I could eat. That is why there were two different flavors. I couldn't tell you what kind of spices were used on the beef ribs. As my the person who was grilling would not tell me. He does not share his recipes like I do.

Sesame french bread to toast on the grill

Food At BBQ

Beef ribs - BBQ and Teriyaki flavors
Small steaks
Grilled french sesame bread with butter
Potato Salad
Macaroni salad
White cheddar mac and cheese
Green beans
Cheesy noodles
German Chocolate Cake

Every last bit of food was eaten. Even the cake had no leftovers. When I went to go get me some ribs, there was only one teriyaki rib left. I saw it and pointed out to everyone standing around to not touch that one. It was mine. As I could not eat the other kind. I am allergic to the BBQ sauce. I grabbed it real quick before it disappeared. As the food was so good it was disappearing as soon as it left the grill. That or everyone was too hungry to wait til someone hollered out food's ready. As I never got a chance to. 

How was your weekend? When was the last time you grilled out? What kinds of food do you normally grill?


  1. WOW, your ribs look delicious! Looks like your sweetie had a great birthday party, topping it off with a yummy looking cake! Happy Birthday to your sweetie!!

  2. Happy birthday! Looks like he had a nice party and CAKE!

  3. Looks like a great party. I like the idea of putting teriyaki on the ribs. Will have to try that!

  4. Great spread for the birthday boy and a luscious he is lucky :)


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