
Saturday, April 1, 2017

I Am Joining The Ultimate Blog Challenge Again

I have joined 'The Ultimate Blog Challenge' again. What you haven't heard of 'The Ultimate Blog Challenge'? Well, let me explain a little bit about it. 

'The Ultimate Blog Challenge' is a challenge to blog an entire month (30 -31 days). You write a blog post on your blog. It can be a free blog or self-hosted blog. You can write about anything as long as it falls within the rules. If you wish to join in the challenge, make sure to sign up at the'Ultimate Blog Challenge' website. You will receive a daily email to help with tips & tricks to help write your blog etc. Plus, you can add your website URL for others to find it. Plus, you can look for others in your niche. Or for something you are interested in. 

You can join and post your blog post in the Facebook group 
Ultimate Blog Challenge. Please make sure to read the rules before posting.

You can miss a day of posting and it will be okay. Sometimes things happen to prevent one from being able to create a post. You can either create one when you have the time, some people do. Or skip the day completely. Do whichever is easiest for you. 

If you use hashtags, you are asked to use the hashtag #blogboost The reason for the hashtag is for your to draw in more readers to your blog.

This is the third month I am participating. The first time I wasn't able to post every day. The second time I was able to post every day. I am hoping to blog every day this time too. As I normally blog Monday through Friday. Writing two extra posts a week is a challenge for me. 

Have you joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge before? Are you planning to join this year? What kind of challenges do you participate in?

Photo from a free use photo website, edited in a free online photo editor.


  1. Sure seems that the past few months from the January challenge flew by! Glad to see you join again, this will be my 6th UBC and it's fun to see the "old" members return and also meet new ones.

    1. Yes, these few months have flown by. Yes, I love seeing the old members I met in earlier challenges. I hope a few stick around this time. Lol.

  2. Sounds fun but I will pass because I have some much to do and life is not known till after Friday, what will be or not. I look forward to reading your blog.

  3. I have never done one of these challenges so there is a first time for everything :)


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