
Friday, March 31, 2017

Creamy Turkey Red Bean Chili

Creamy Turkey Red Bean Chili

I made a chili with a twist the other day for dinner. I wanted chili with no tomatoes. Why no tomatoes? I am allergic to tomatoes. I started looking all over for a recipe without tomatoes. Do you know how hard that was? Let me tell you, I was not finding a red bean chili recipe without tomatoes. I found plenty of white bean chili recipes with no tomatoes. Not with red beans. Don't get me wrong I am sure there recipes out there like that. Yet, I was not finding them. I decided to come with my own tried and true red bean with tomato chili. 

Red beans from

The first thing I did was place the red beans in my crockpot the night before. I covered them up with chicken broth. 

Ground turkey frying in pan.

The next morning when the red beans were cooked. I got out a pound of ground turkey. I tore the ground turkey into smaller pieces and cooked it up on the stove in a frying pan. I removed any grease from the ground turkey. 

Red beans and chicken broth blending together.

I got my blender out. I placed 6 ounces of red beans in the blender. I barely covered the red beans up with the chicken broth. I blended the ingredients together to get a rich creamy liquid. As this is the liquid base for the chili.

I poured the liquid over the red beans in the crockpot and mixed together. I added the cooked ground turkey, chopped onion, and spices to the crockpot. I mixed them all together.

I am telling you my teenagers and fiance did not know there were no tomatoes in the chili. Neither did my oldest son who stopped over for a bit. I will be making this chili with a twist again. It tastes just like chili. 

Creamy Turkey Red Bean Chili

Creamy Turkey Red Bean Chili

1 lb Ground turkey (cooked)
16 oz Chicken broth
1 lb. Red beans ( cooked)
1/2 cup onions (chopped)
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp oregano 
6 oz Sour Cream
1/4 Basil
1/4 Parsley
1/4 Ginger
1/4 Paprika

I add 6 oz of red beans to my blender with enough chicken broth to cover it. I blend well to form a thick liquid. I add the ground turkey, onions and liquid to the crockpot that already has 6 ounces of red beans and chicken broth. I mix everything together. I add-in spices one by one. Mixing together each time. 

This takes maybe 20 minutes to put together if you start red beans and broth the night before. Or right before you go to work. As the red beans and broth take 6 - 8 hours on low in the crockpot or 3 - 4 hours on high.

Do not add any salt. No matter how much you are tempted, don't. As you will make it too salty. You will have enough salt from the chicken broth.

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