
Monday, April 10, 2017

Once Upon A Time Holy Bible and Storybook Bible Book Review

bible ©SandyKS

I was excited to have the opportunity to review the Once Upon A Time Holy Bible and Storybook Bible. I received both books for free in exchange for an honest review based on my opinion. All opinions are honest and based on my personal experience.

My daughter is special needs, ADHD and issues with her cognitive learning. Her reading level in behind compared to her age. She was delighted with the storybook bible. As she could read and follow along. She had a little trouble with some words but thoroughly enjoyed learning what they were and what they mean. 

I have recently started attending church service again with my daughter. My daughter takes the Once UpOn Time Holy Bible with her while she attends church. She has shown it off to her friends and to the church Pastor. She will show them off to anyone who will listen to her. 

My Review

For one I want to start off by saying the Bible is real. The stories are real. They are produced for younger children 8 -12 years old to be able to understand and possibly learn in some way. Both books are based on the Christian belief. Neither the Once Upon A Time Holy Bible or the Storybook Bible are considered a form of entertainment. These books are a teaching tool to help children with the Christain principles and lifestyle. It is a way to introduce children to God. 

I have read several reviews written on these books that seem to be nick picking them apart for small things. Personally, I find the illustrations and covers to be beautifully done. I find it to contain 33 well-known stories from the bible. I remember hearing them when I was a child. I noticed the stories started with 'Once Upon A Time' and always ending with 'Happily ever after' like the fairytales. The difference I found was the bible verse that followed each 'Happy ever after.' Which the children could easily look up to reinforce the message the stories were sending. I believe this helps children understand and can connect the dots between a story and a principal to live. 

I noticed the Once Upon A Time Bible is not a study guide but a Bible to read for when the children do not need extra help or understanding. 

I like the fact I could use these books to show the difference between fairy tale and fact. With each storybook bible story read, I use the verse provided for my daughter to read it from the Once Upon A Time Holy Bible. We would talk about the story and how it would relate to something in what is going on right now. Questions would be asked and we both had a greater understanding of God after we were done. 

To learn more, visit the official websites at -
Storybook Bible

Buy link

You can purchase the Bibles where books are sold and the Storybook Bible is currently available at Sam’s Club or wherever books are sold.


  1. Thank you for reviewing this. There are so many Bible story books it's hard to keep up with them. I haven't seen this one yet. It's amazing how many more Christian books there are for children now than when I used to work at a Christian bookstore from 1972 - 1981.

    1. I remember as a child not seeing many books like these at all for children in Christian book stores either. My town had a small one that eventually went out of business.

  2. It certainly sounds like an honest review and I like the fact you can cross reference between the two books.

  3. I think these books are wonderful, I remember reading books like this when I was very young.

  4. Social stories, the method for teaching and helping those with cognitive special needs to relate to and understand social context and relationships, are things I struggle with for teaching my child who experiences "High Functioning" Autism Spectrum Disorder. I also struggle to find ways for me to be "in the Bible" while also helping her to learn about it. So far, the best one I've found is the Jesus Storybook Bible. It's really good, and really connects the stories to each other and how they relate to Jesus. I like that they stick pretty close to the original stories as presented in the bible. All that being said, it is hard to keep my daughter's attention and focus. When I have the opportunity and the money, I'll pick these up and see if they work for her. Thank you for the review.

    1. It is really hard when we struggle for our children to learn. I hope these books will help. They have with my daughter. Since, she loves fairy tales. I was able to use the stories and have her look the verse up in the Bible. It helped.

  5. I received these books also and love the quality of them. It's also nice with the presentation page in the front of each book. Definitely a keepsake for children.


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