
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekend Follow Up #4 - Influenza is not to be messed with

Weekend follow up header

This is a follow up of all the blog posts I have created for the past week in case you missed one. I would like to do this weekly. I write on a variety of subjects. As I have two places I currently write at. Obviously, one place is on this blog Rusty2rusty's Chatter. Second place is my blog called Food With A Plan.


A bunch of medicines from

This past week I have not been feeling good. I started out with wheezing whenever I laid down. It was hard to get any sleep because of this. The past two days the other symptoms slowly started coming.

1. Coughing

2. Fever 

3. Exhaustion
4. Muscle Aches
5. Wheezing or difficulty breathing
6. Sneezing
7. Loss of appetite
8. Headache
9. Nasal congestion
10. Ear pain

I went to the hospital this morning. As this was day three and I felt worse than the day before. I was not suffering from the common cold. I am suffering from influenza. Also known as the flu. The doc ordered x-rays of my chest. I was given a breathing treatment at the hospital. I was sent home with steroids and more breathing treatments to continue at home.

Influenza is not something to be messed with. If you start having these symptoms, especially difficulty breathing. Please get to a doctor. As the flu has and does kill people. 

This is not how I had my morning planned. I had planned on going to church. Afterward having a second meeting with the preacher about my upcoming nuptials. As last week the preacher gave my fiance' and I homework to write out at home. We both were to write what the definition of love means to us individually, not what we think the other person thinks or believes. But what I believe love to be. As the preacher was going to discuss what we both wrote til we both have the same idea of what love is. 

I took the time to write my answer out on notebook paper. Me being a blogger I could not give a simple answer. I wrote a whole page full. I wanted to write more. Instead, I kept it short and hope he understands what I mean love to be. 

Now to the Weekend Follow Up from

February 19th to February 25th 


1. 3 Important Things To Have On Your Blog - I stress three most important things I believe all blogs should have and why.

Pizza Crust made from cauliflower

2. Homemade Cauliflower Pizza - I was placed on a 1800 calorie diet by my doctor. Plus, being a type 2 diabetic I wanted to try a healthier pizza crust. I choose to make the crust out of cauliflower. 

Rascal, a Chihuahua wired terrier mix.

3. Photo Session With Rascal For Wordless Wednesday - A blog full of pictures with captions of Rascal. Oh and a photo bomb from Moose, the Chug.

Church windows From

4. Revival, Church Service And A Talk With The Preacher - I share my thoughts about a local revival held at a local church, the morning church service and the talk with the preacher about my upcoming nuptials.

That's it for the week. As you can tell I really did not feel good. As I only wrote four blog posts compared to as many as I normally do. Hopefully, with my medicine, I can step up my game this week.


I hope you enjoyed my fourth "Weekend Follow Up" post. I invite all my readers to leave your latest blog post link in the comments with a short description. If you leave a link, please check out someone else's link if you have time. You don't have to if you don't want to. This is my way of bringing blogger's together to meet each other. I promise I will visit yours.



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  1. I have been down with something very similar and am into my second week now- the worst is the sore throat and the ear pain and now my ears are completely plugged and can't hear! :( Doctor says I can take a decongestant but doesn't want me too as it will raise my blood pressure. I keep gargling with tea tree oil and breathing in Eucalyptus oil which helps a bit. Hope your is better soon!

  2. Glad you went and get it checked,there are so many people getting the flu and it's hitting hard. Besides taking your meds and breathing treatment, make sure you REST!!!

  3. Oh my! Take good care... I had "IT" last year :( -

  4. My why to have blog is because I enjoy it...Hope you feel better soon.
    Coffee is on

  5. Sandy, you have my sympathy. I had this for most of January. the important thing is to really rest until you are well. If you don't, and try to get active again too soon, you may relaspe like my husband did. I just took it easy and stopped to rest or sleep if my body told me to. I'm afraid no one plans a visit to the ER, but sometimes we just have to change our plans.

  6. I hope you can shake that flu bug soon. And that your family getting sick wont be so bad.

  7. Thanks for sharing all your blogs with me, I do enjoy reading about your life. Get well soon, I know how bad the flu can make a person feel.

  8. I've had some kind of bug and have been treating it by doing just a little more than as little as possible, and using the time saved to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, etc. Also, praying a lot. Whatever it was has just about run its course.

  9. You need to change the url for the pizza, as it doesn't go directly to the pizza entry. Fortunately, it went to a page that does, and that pizza recipe sounds wonderful! Sadly, my neighbor is deathly-allergic to all kinds of mushrooms, so, if I were going to fix it for us, I would need to substitute another ingredient.


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