
Friday, February 24, 2017

3 Important Things To Have On Your Blog

I read many blogs a day. I read more when I do not feel good enough to create blog posts of my own. I will spend time in bed on my tablet reading blogs. If I comment on them. I will share them. As I believe bloggers should help support and encourage one another. Not compete against each other. As I believe there is room for all of us. There are three things I believe every good blog should have. 
Share Buttons 
Share buttons are important for those who wish to share your blog post and get the word out. I came across a blog about a cream medicine for cancer that kills dogs within hours of digesting it. The blog had no share buttons. I had no way to share the news through social media to get the word out to my fellow animal lover friends. I support fellow bloggers by sharing their blogs through social media. If no share button. I read, maybe comment and move on. 

Follow button 
It is important to have a way for readers to follow through email. I follow many blogs of my friends. A few don't have a follow button. I never know when they create a new post. Unless they tag me or I happen to visit a Facebook group we are in together. As I check my email every day for the blogs I follow. Some blogs I enjoy reading but will not hunt them down to find them. If I do not have easy access to read them. That blog lost another valuable reader.

Comment Or Contact 
It's important to have a way to contact the blogger if they do not allow comments. As readers may have a question about something written or something the blogger is selling. If there is no way to contact the blog author, they should allow comments for the same reason stated already.

If you are a blogger and do not have one of these three things. may I ask why you don't? If you are a reader of blogs, what is something you expect to see on a blog that some lack?
 Photos from, a free use photo sharing website.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    Your post is intriguing. Everyone will want to know what the three things are. I agree with your choices. These are important.

    1. Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. I respect your opinion.

  2. I also find it frustrating when there are no share buttons. In their absence, what I will do is copy the url of the post and then post directly on my Facebook or twitter feed if I feel the post is worth sharing. But still, I highly recommend that bloggers have easy and prominent ways to share or to subscribe to the blog.

    1. I have installed an addto any button in my browser. That allows me to still share to any of my social medias.

  3. I have several blogs at Blogger, and none of them have their own individual comment sections, as I write them to be read more like one would read a column or an ebook. However, I also provide several ways to contact me -- everything from email to touching bases with me on Facebook.


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