
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Photo Session With Rascal For Wordless Wednesday

Rascal a Chihuahua / wired terrier mix.
Oh picture time!! Time to pose!!

Rascal a Chihuahua / wired terrier mix.
I am looking at the camera mom!

Rascal a Chihuahua / wired terrier mix.
Standing tall - Is this better?

Rascal a Chihuahua / wired terrier mix.
Nope, I am not going to look

Rascal a Chihuahua / wired terrier mix.
Rascal was born almost completely white. he had a little bit of brown on his. Now he has brown spots, where it was white. Have you seen spotted Chihuahua before?

Moose a Chug (Chihuahua - pug mix)
Photobomb - Mom I want my picture taken too.

If you liked this Wordless Wednesday blog post. You also might like - Florida Nature And Animals

Photos ©SandyKs aka rusty2rusty


  1. What a "ham" they both are! Looks like they are waiting for you to take their perfect pose! LOL Too cute

  2. He's cute. I've not seen a spotted chihaua before. All of them I have known were fawn colored.

  3. Rascal looks as if he has a bit of Yorkie blood in him, too. Does he? It's the fluffy hair and -- ESPECIALLY -- that Henry Winkler expression that makes me suspect this. Moose looks like a big dog in a little body. Love that soulful expression!!!


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