
Monday, February 20, 2017

Revival, Church Service And A Talk With The Pastor

Church window

This past weekend I was busy spending time with my family. Saturday night my boyfriend, daughter and I went to out to eat. Afterward, we stopped in at a Revival that was going on at a local church. It latest two hours. A Revival is a bunch of singing, dancing, and preaching. You would think my daughter would have been rambunctious. Nope, she sat in her seat quiet as a mouse.

Church window

Sunday morning, my boyfriend, daughter and I attended the church service at the same place the Revival was held. It latest two hours. I was surprised. As any church service, I have attended in the past latest no more than an hour. I am not complaining. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Church window

After the church service, my boyfriend and I had a meeting with the pastor in preparations with the upcoming wedding. I guess I can officially call my boyfriend my fiance'. (Or does that happen after you gets the rings.) The pastor gave us both a little homework. We have to tell him what love means to us. We can't talk about it or discuss it together. As he wants to discuss it in our next meeting together. As we will start out with two ways to love. By time we are done with the talk, our knowledge of love will be the same way. On the same path and thoughts.

Photos from, a free use photo sharing website.


  1. It's good that your church (apparently) requires pre marriage counseling. You'll know each other's thoughts on a variety of topics vital to the success of a marriage.

    1. Yes, which I have no issue with. It is a way to get to know the pastor better. That way if have any doubts or questions during our marriage we can go to him.

  2. The revival sounds lovely. And the pictures are beautiful.

    1. Thank you. The revival was wonderful. It was very uplifting. It filled me with joy.

  3. I am glad you found a church you like, AND maybe this will be a place you daughter will love and can deal with better.

  4. Several years ago (when I was in college), I was at a church service in Indianapolis.

    At the time, my church home was in Anderson, but this church was a kind of supplement church where I went when I decided to stay in Indy (where my college was) for the weekend.

    There was a family of three there (parents and adolescent son) who were actual members.

    We got to talking one Sunday, and they told me that they had been going to another church for many years, but their son had started acting as if he'd rather be elsewhere -- and, to be frank, they were starting to feel the same way, so, they began visiting different churches.

    Some of the churches they found to be ones that they could live with, but their son seemed restless and ready for it just to be over with so that he could get out of there.

    Then, they found this church, and their son (who has Down Syndrome) became really calm and drank in everything about the service, including the sermon.

    This happened consistently, Sunday after Sunday, so they knew that they had found the right place!!!

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