
Friday, January 13, 2017

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2016

I started looking at my stats for my blog for the past year. I started the blog in March of 2016. I have got 20,027 views. Not bad for the blog being less than a year old. I seem to get the most views from Pinterest, Google+ and Facebook. I am thrilled with my stats. As I wrote on a variety of subjects that had to do with lifestyles and creative writing.

Here is the list of my top 10 viewed post for 2016

My top post was "I Am Going To A Nude Wedding" with 305 views. I suppose some of those viewers were expecting to see nude photos. If that is what they expected, they were sorely disappointed.

Number two with 258 views was "What I Want For Christmas". I am thrilled to see so many people interested in what I wanted for Christmas.

Number three with 239 views was "8 animals Associated With Halloween". How many animals can you name that is associated with Halloween without looking?

Number four has 227 views was "31 Days Of Blogmas". I accepted a challenge to blog 31 days of Christmas. I gave enough ideas for others if they needed to blog every day and then some. I wasn't able to finish the challenge. As I was without a vehicle for three weeks prior to Christmas. It is hard to write about Christmas when it seemed my family wasn't going to have one. Yet, things worked out in the end. I am going to my hand at it again next year with new material.

Number five came in with 217 views was "Building A Gingerbread House". It was a fun project to do with my daughter. I have one to make of a doghouse yet. I am waiting for more snow to fall first. My dogs will be able to try it. As it is pet-friendly to eat.

Number six came in with 215 views was "2 things Can Kill Your Dog". This blog was created after chatting with some friends on Facebook where I learned about two things most people do not realize could kill their dog. I am a diabetic type two. when learning about the second thing it really hit home how I could have been poisoning my dog and not know it.

Number seven came in with 186 views was "10 Things To Buy A Blogger For Christmas". The best thing about this list is it will work just as well for birthdays and other celebrations.

Number eight came in with 180 views was "5 Ways to Promote Other Bloggers Without Losing Focus". Which I sincerely need to go back and update it. As I noticed tonight at least one link is not working after a fellow blogger Krammitt22 messaged me. Thank you Krammitt22.

Number nine came in next with 170 views was "Cheesy Broccoli Mushroom Soup Recipe". I enjoy sharing my recipes and talking about food so much that I decided to create a niche blog about food & recipes over on WordPress, where I plan to buy a domain and hosting next month. I will be sharing all my future tried and true recipes and food blogs there. It is called "Food With A Plan".

Last but not least number ten came in with 168 views was "October 2016 Writing Challenges". In the blog post, I give thirty-one different ideas or prompts to blog about that relate to the month of October.

I wish to thank all of my readers for visiting my blog. I hope I can keep you entertained and interested throughout 2017.

Photos from Pixabay, except number 5 and 9 most viewed posts of 2016. Those two © belong to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.

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  1. Aww, those poor people who wanted to see a nude wedding were disappointed. lol Great blogging! Keep it up.

  2. Well if your top one had most views maybe should emulate the calendar girls and have a bloggers calendar? lol


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