
Thursday, January 19, 2017

What Is On Your Bucket List?

Someone asked me one day what is on my bucket list. To those who may not know, a bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish before you die. I had to think about what is on my bucket list. Some things were common sense to me and I didn't have to blink to know what I wanted. Others I had to put some thought into it.

Here's my 'Bucket List'

1. To see my children grow up, finish high school and make something of themselves - My oldest son is already started a family. He has a 2 yr old son. He makes great money working at a factory. My middle son is eighteen and will finish high school next year. He plans to travel to Japan and become a lawyer. My daughter is sixteen, has mental issues and struggles in school with her peers and work. I worry for her future.

2. I want to visit and take pictures of Niagra Falls - I have never been there. I have always wanted to go. I have decided if the one I am with does not want to go. I will do this on my own. As it has always been one of my desires.

3. Travel the USA - I want to travel through and visit every state in the USA. I have traveled through more states with my current boyfriend. I am slowly marking off state by state. from there I wish to travel and visit other countries.

4. To open up a free clothing store in my area - The items will be from free will donations. All clothes and items will be free to those who are poor or make under a certain amount per year. As I want it to help those who need help. To help those who live through a house fire or other type of situations. I want to work with the local organizations to help those who truly need it. Not those who wish to get stuff and resell online.

I don't have much on my bucket list right now. I may add more to it later. If not, once I cross something off. I will choose something else to add to the list.

What is on your bucket list?

Photos from Pixabay, a free use photo sharing website.



  1. You have a great bucket list! I really don't have one other than hoping all my children and grandchildren will live healthy lives.

  2. Nice Bucket list. I hope you get to do all of those things....

    1. Thank you, I hope one day I do too. If not, it will happen in my dreams. Lol.

  3. I like your bucket list items. I hope you do them all. A bucket list item of mine is to white water raft on the Gauley river in WV.

    1. Thank you. Now that sounds like fun, a great adventure to behold.

  4. I need to make one, since I am half way to 100 year old :)

  5. One on my bucket list is visiting Niagara Falls, too Sandy.I hope you accomplish all in your bucket list. Good luck.


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