
Monday, January 2, 2017

Blogging Facts And Questions

Today the topic can be about FAQ business. If you don't write on business, you are given the option of writing about FAQ in your niche or whatever you write about. I don't write on business, I blog. This blog will be FAQ towards blogging on what I know or have learned.

What is blogging?
Blogging is when someone creates a blog and contributes to it by writing a blog post or article.

Why do you blog?
I started blogging when many of the paid to write websites started ripping members off by not paying the members. Or changing the rules at the last minute to not pay members. I wanted a place of my own with my thoughts and opinions. A place where I could create and share help articles.

What do you blog about?
I have two blogs. I have a food niche blog I recently started called "Food With A Plan". It is about creating recipes on a budget. At the same time discussing anything to do with food or the kitchen. I also have this blog "Rusty2rusty's Chatter". It started as a place for me to put my articles when writing websites went down. It has grown it to more of a lifestyle blog featuring articles about pets & animals, home &graden, family & DIY, and writing challenge.

If I was starting a blog today, what advice would you give me?
I would suggest choosing a niche. Or choosing a couple subjects that flow together nicely. You can blog about anything. Yet, if you are all over the place. It makes it harder for people to follow. People tend to follow niche blogs, compared to blogs that are all over the place.

What is a niche?
A niche is writing on one particular subject. It could be travel, fashion, home & garden, DIY, food, etc.

I am computer beginner, could I start a blog?
Yes, you can start out on free blog websites like Blogspot or Wordpress. Set up is easy. Once you get use to it and decide you want to take the next step. You should buy a domain and web hosting. If you don't feel you can do that or can afford to do so. Stick with the free website til you are ready.

Can you make money blogging?
Yes, you can make money blogging depending on what you choose to do. It is not overnight nor instant. It is hard work. Sometimes taking years.

How do you make money blogging?
I use Google Adsense, ads, affiliate marketing, and different programs I have learned about. I also do product reviews where I get a product for free or a deep discount in exchange for reviews. Other people do freelance work, sell articles or photography. There are numerous ways to make money blogging.

How do you grow your blog following?
I promote my articles through different social media websites. Such as - Facebook timeline, Facebookpage, Facebook groups, Flipboard, Google+, Pinterest, Titter, Yummly, Yumprint and more.

Is blogging expensive?
That really depends on how much you want to put into your blog. There are many different things to choose from as far as price. You don't have to choose the most expensive packaging, themes, hosting or plug ins. Many bloggers use low cost or free ones to keep their monthly cost under a certain budget. As they do not want their blogs to cost more to run than they bring in.

Do you recommend free blog service or a paid one?
To be honest, if you wish to make a lot of money, you need a paid website. A free one is great if you don't plan on making any money. This is something I have learned from expert bloggers.

Why should I take your advice?
Good question. I have learned through trial and error what will work with free blogging and what won't. Next month I plan to get my own domain for my food blog. I am not sure if I wish to do it will this blog yet or not. As it is not generalized yet. I do get good views. However, I am not sure if I want to pursue two domains at this time.

Do you have any questions.please feel free to ask?

This month I am participating in the "Ultimate Blog Challenge, I will be joining others in creating a new post each day on my blog in the month of January. To learn more about this challenge, please go to

If you would like to share your posts while promoting others, please apply for membership at "Blogging Friends". You will be asked where you blog at, which you must respond to before you will be allowed to become a member. Once you provide your blog link, you will be allowed in.

Photo from Pixabay a free use photo sharing website.

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  1. Glad you are doing the blog challenge again! Great blog!!

    1. Thank you. I figure I would try each of the topics this time too.

  2. Great post, glad you joined the challenge!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for the comment. I plan doing another either towards the end of the year or next year after I have my own domain.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, this year I am trying to up my writing standards. I may too many mistakes last year.

  5. I have not joined the challenge because I can't blog every day. But I wish you the best of luck.

    1. I tried the last challenge and as not able to post every day. I am going to try this one. I may be going out of state and few weeks and may not be able to finish because of it. No access to wi-fi.

  6. Some good tips here, even for established bloggers. Specifically you reminded me to check out Flipboard as my google analytics shows over 2000 clicks to my blog from Flipboard in the past 30 days.

    1. Flipboard is growing and bloggers do well to share their stuff and browse others.

  7. Great list of FAQs! I loo forward to seeing you on a self-hosted site soon!

    1. Thank you, My plan is to start next month. I am excited.

  8. I clicked the laptop to order my cat food from amazon. I hope the order shows up as this seems to be more of a redirect than direct to amazon?

  9. Thank you Marsha Cooper, I think it went through. As I see an increase for this month. Thank you.


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