
Sunday, January 1, 2017

What Is A Goal You Have For 2017?

Happy New Years to all those who come across my blog post. I am going to write about my upcoming goals for the year for the 2017 January Ultimate Blog Challenge. (You can learn more about that at the bottom of this blog.) Instead of writing about a New Year's resolution. As I always seem to either never go through with a New Years resolution as I place it to steep for me to obtain, I forget about it. Or I make a resolution to become a better person than I was last year.

2017 New Year Goals

1. To obtain a vehicle. That way I am not dependent on others to take me to where I ned to go.
2. To find alternative ways to communicate with my daughter without all the drama and negativity.
3. To complete a weekend update blog post each weekend about all the post I create throughout the week on any blog or website.
4. To obtain a domain & hosting for each of my blogs. Starting with my Food With A Plan blog.
5. To have a bigger garden. Even if it means gardening in tubs and flower pots. 

What is a goal you have for 2017?

This month I am participating in the "Ultimate Blog Challenge, I will be joining others in creating a new post each day on my blog in the month of January. To learn more about this challenge, please go to

If you would like to share your posts with others, please apply for membership at "Blogging Friends". You will be asked where you blog at, which you must respond to before you will be allowed to become a member. Once you provide your blog link, you will be allowed in.


  1. I haven't made any goals for the New Year but I do hope to reorganize the house, room by room. Happy New Year Sandy!

    1. I do need to reorganize in the kitchen and laundry room.

  2. Hmm I have many goals, one is to make more money, the other is to lose 50 lbs and the main goal is to beat my son in chess lol

    1. I hope you can accomplish your goals. I want to make more money and loose some weight too.

  3. Good luck reaching your goals - they seem like excellent goals. I don't set goals each year as much as I try to do at least one productive thing each day toward my long term goals.

    1. Thank is great that you can do that. My long term goal is to travel the USA.

  4. Great goals. I do goals instead of resolutions too. Easier to be working toward a goal. Container gardening is great, I hope you are able to do some of it. Good luck communicating with the daughter. If it's an age thing, remember this will pass (says the mom of a former teenage girl.)

    1. It is an age thing (16 - thinks she knows it all) plus a mix of a mental issue.

  5. I like your goals. I do hope you can find a good way to communicate with your daughter with less drama this year. It will do both of you so much good.

    My goals this year all revolve around cleaning the negativity and clutter out of my life.

    1. I have yet to find a good way. All she likes to do is yell and disrespect me or play everything off as a joke. When I tell her she needs to take her meds, I am not joking. But hours later she will say I thought you were joking.

  6. I agree with you need a car! Those are good goals to reach for and I am positive you will make them all!

    1. Yes, I do. I am at my house with no vehicle a lot. More than I would like. I like the idea of being to get up go and not depend on someone else.

  7. I also could use a car of my own as we only have one and my husband works 13 hours a day or longer so I can't get to the places I need to get to. Plus the car sounds like it is going to die at any time. But as for a daughter and drama I have a 9 year old with a attitude I wish would snap out of it. But I love knowing that your going to do a weekly post so we all know what is new each week. I should do this as well. So have a Happy New Year welcome to the Challenge as I am also a part of it.

    1. I hope you will be bale to get a second one soon. Good luck with your daughter. My daughter is my youngest of three. Her being my only girl.

  8. I like your goals. I hope you will be successful especially that with your daughter. I have not set a goal yet. I will, soon.

    1. Thank you, it has been a struggle with her and her issues. AS she is total opposite of me.


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