
Saturday, January 7, 2017

5 Ways To Have a Further Reach With Your Blog

One thing I have done with my blog is experiment with how far my reach can go. Everyone knows the more you promote and gain followers, the further your reach can be. these are my top 5 ways I promote my social media that has helped em gained more followers. I am always working on one or the other to help further my content and the content of other bloggers. I am on many more social media websites where I am currently growing my followers and within my niche.

Here are 5 Ways To Further Your Reach

1. Co-Promote - is a way to promote your content to new audiences, engage with those with similar interests, creating more buzz around your blog, and much more. You need to have your profiles on your social media filled out completely that way others can easily see who you follow and promote. The more similar creators to you are more than likely to share your content. It takes a few minutes each day to promote your content through Co-promote. The more you share others content each day, the higher your reach can go. 

2. Facebook groups - are a great way to promote your content. You can find niche groups to share your content in. Or join share groups where you are required to share from one member to all members who participate in the thread. If you do join groups, please respect the group admins and mods by following the rules. With each group, each has their own set of rules. Make sure to read the description of each group to make sure you are breaking the rules.

3. Twitter - I love how you can share short and straight to the point links to promote your content or other members content. My Twitter is growing every day. I have made it a point to connect with anyone who connects with me. With few exceptions, which would be a failure to fill out your profile. Or those who want to promote sex or share naked photos. I am not into any of that. I won't promote it.

4. Flipboard - Similar to Pinterest. You create magazines of different interest. People can follow you or one of your magazines. You can check your analyze to see which boards are popular and which are not. that way it is easier to get rid of magazines not working for you. Flipboard seems to work better for me when I flip more of other people's content compared to my own.

5. Pinterest - You create boards to share your content and others. I love using Pinterest to find more recipes, DIY everything, and gardening ideas.


  1. Great list. I have notice a jump since posting on other social sites.

    1. Thank you. I want to start writing more in depth about the websites that help grow my reach.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, i love co-promote. It has helped me grow more twitter followers.

  3. I hadn't heard of Flipboard before but as I rework my Pinterest page I will check into Flipboard as well because the more people who see our sites the more we will grow.

    1. Flipboard is similar to Pinterest. I have seen an increase of views through Flipboard. Other people I know have had their blog links go viral on Flipboard.

  4. Another easy way to promote your site is by adding it in your signature line in your emails. You can set it up in most programs to automatically add a link to your site with every email that gets sent out!

    Thanks for sharing these tips!

    1. That is a great tip! OI need to grow subscribers through email more. I have heard of Mailchimp but not sure. Do you have a suggestion?

  5. For the past 8 months I've been focused on Facebook groups since I don't know much about blog promotion and stuff. Thanks for suggesting co-promote.

    1. Your welcome.

      Facebook groups are great for promotion. Yet, there are many more ways to do so. I do need to start writing more in depth about the different apps and websites that help your reach go further.

  6. Thanks for sharing your social media tips. As I have recently joined Flipboard, I was interested in what you had to say there.

    Blogger's Pit Stop

  7. Very useful list, I had totally forgotten about copromote. Will pursue that this week :)


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