
Thursday, December 1, 2016

What I want For Christmas? Blogmas 2016

You would think writing what I want for Christmas would be an easy task to complete. In reality it isn't easy at all. I can give anyone a general idea of what I want for Christmas, that part is easy. 

As I am a writer. Anything that can help me with my writing would be appreciated. Such as a paid program on the computer that all writers are raving about. Notebooks / calendars to help me jot down ideas to write my blogs about. Pens and pencils are one of the greatest tools a writer can have.

I love to take photographs of nature, wildlife, food and more. Anything that would help me get further in doing this would be most helpful. One of the things I love to take photos of are items I plan to review and write about. Things I have purchased and tried / used. Receiving an Amazon card would work wonders to help me pursue that option. 

Anyone that knows me, knows I love to cook and create new recipes. I love creating in the kitchen. Receiving anything for the kitchen, whether it be a kitchen tool or ingredients to help me create new recipes would greatly help me do something I love.

My oven went out in my stove during the summer. I haven't been able to replace it. As my home was going under much needed home improvement projects. I was able to get me a table top stove in the process. I found it at Walmart for $89.00. It is smaller than a regular oven. Receiving smaller size pans would greatly help me with my baking needs. As most of pans are to big to fit in the table top oven.

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, I wish my family would be more joyful or willing to help me make our families holiday more magical. Instead of complaining about helping me make homemade gifts, decorating the house or plain out refusing to do anything that has to do with Christmas. I guess if you can get them to do that. Instead of me feeling like I am the only that cares to celebrate the holiday beyond buying gifts for others, it would make me happy. If you could do that, bring the holiday spirit into my home, it would be a dream come true.

As for needing anything physical, I have everything I need. I learned along time ago it doesn't matter if the dishes are mismatched. Or I have to do things differently to accomplish what I want. Christmas is all about gathering together as a family.

What do you want for Christmas?

This post is one in many of the mini series "31 days of Blogmas". Some photos are from Pixabay. While others were taken by and © belongs to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.  


  1. I agree - who cares about mismatched dishes! Being with those who mean the most is always nice for the holidays.

    1. Yes, I try to make the most of it, to make happy memories for years to come. I know when I am no longer needed. I will rely on those memories to keep me smiling knowing I gave joy to my family.

  2. Great first blogmas post and pretty much what I want for Christmas as well....

  3. Nice first Blogmass post..pretty much everything on my wish list..

  4. You have your priorities right, things don't really matter. I would settle for an attitude of gratitude and love around my table would make me happy.

    Bloggers Pit Stop

  5. It's too bad your family doesn't enter into the spirit of this holiday. I will wish that Santa brings your household a big sack of Holiday Spirit (and some of the other gifts you want).

    1. Oh thank you. Hopefully Santa doesn't think I am to old for presents.

  6. I can relate to many of the "want to" gift items you mentioned, especially for writing and photography. I also enjoy even more just having time together as a family.

    1. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends. As I am alone most of the time.


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