
Friday, December 2, 2016

Can You Believe My Daughter Wants That For Christmas? Blogmas 2016

One of the ideas on the list to write about, is to write about what my family wants for Christmas. This is a fairly easy one to write about. As I always ask my children to write a wish list of up to twenty things they want for Christmas. I only promise at least one thing off that list. If I can find an the item on the list and afford it, I will try and get what is on the list. The list is basically a wishlist of sorts. It can be something they need, want or something off the wall they know I could never afford it. It is to be made in fun, which gives me a baseline on  what to shop for.

What My Daughter Wants For Christmas
My daughter wrote a list of what she wants for Christmas. She wants fake nails. Every time I get them for her, she doesn't use them. She sets them aside and loses them. I later find them on the floor around the house. Yet, she is sixteen, maybe she is mature enough to take care of them. She also wants more pencils to sketch with. She was talking about all kinds of shade pencils in different colors. I am not sure where to find those but I will look. of course being a girl she asked for more make up. I think it is time to get new make up. It has been awhile since I bought her any. She also wants waist high pants. As she has learnt that style looks good on her. Plus, she doesn't have to keep pulling them up. She has requested different multiple band shirts. Problem is, I don't know which bands she wants. As we don't listen to the same type of music. Now I need to figure it out which ones without her finding out. She is being practical. As she asked for more cotton socks. White ones to be exact. I guess she is tired of having multi colored socks and not being to find mates. She wants globes fro Christmas. As it is something she likes to look at and display. She is also in to those plastic flat wrist bands. I would rather get her something shiny, like a bracelet to go with any outfit. She is asking for another tablet. That is not going to happen. She broke her last one leaving it on the floor and stepping on it. She still has a phone and laptop she can connect to the internet. She has also asked for a gift card from one of three places. She wants from the book store, Rue21 or Claire's which are all located in the mall.

What My Teenage Son Wants
My teenage son was simple. He asked for money and gift cards. He is eighteen, I really didn't expect much else. He did ask for at least two more pairs of jeans.

What My Eldest Son Wants
My eldest son is twenty five, he asked for tools to be able to work on vehicles. As he is tired of paying out money to others to fix his vehicles. When it is cheaper to do it himself.

Shopping For My Grandson
I have asked my grandson's mom what to get him. At least ideas of what not to get him, that we do not buy him the same thing. That was a no go. I have asked three times already, and always get the silent treatment. I think a  loud noisy toy is in the works for my grandson. lol.

My Boyfriend Wants
My boyfriend always asks for things he knows I can't afford. I tell him when we win the lottery baby. I buy that for you. We both laugh.

Well, it looks like I have a nice list of things to choose from. All them seem pretty simple to find. I am sure I will find some surprises to add to the list. 

What is your family asking for Christmas?


Photos from Pixabay, a free use photo sharing website. This blog participates in the "31 Days of Blogmas".


  1. One of the great things about here is that it is non materialistic so we don't get great big wish lists....The Thai take on it is if you can't "eat it." and things don't feature highly on their wish lists.

    1. I always ask for a list of no more than twenty. I tend to pick at least three gifts of something they want. it isn't much but it is something for them to open. As Christmas Eve night I allowed the kids to open one before Christmas morning.

  2. I am not asking for anything, but the wish list is to be home and not at the hospital.

    1. I don't blame you. It was exhausting going to the hospital every day with my boyfriend for his father. I don't know how you manage doing it as long as you have. I do hop eyou are blessed with what you want. You deserve it.

  3. We only used to buy presents for our parents andkids. Now we don't have any kids or parents. The extended family only exchanges cards. I don't have any shopping to do except for World Vision.

    1. I have my 3 kids, and my parents. My siblings don't chaneg gifst aor anything. Lord knows we have enough nieces and nephews we could do a gift exchange. We don't because one sister will not get anything except for her kids. To be fair and not hurt her kids feelings we just don't do it.

  4. I think it's lovely that your daughter is asking for things she really wants :)

    1. I do to. It makes things easier. I get something she will be happy with. I can also add in something similar that I want to get her.

  5. Hi Sandy,
    My daughter wants a fit bit. Fake nails? Sounds easy enough. Maybe a beauty supply store? What if they can't come up with 20?

    1. I think I will take Tracey's suggestion and take her to a saloon or get a guift certcate for her to be able to go to one.

  6. Maybe you should take your daughter to a nail salon and have fake nails put on. Or you could get her real nails manicured and painted. It would be a fun time for both of you.

    1. That is a great idea!! There is a place up town that does them. Thank you for the idea!!

  7. I've ask my oldest son who lives some distance to send me a list of what he might want for Christmas. But I reminded him no $300 gifts or more.
    Coffee is on

    1. I call gifts like those lottery prescents. UNless I win the lottery, they aren't getting them.

  8. I can't afford to buy them, but I just found a markdown on 136 different colored pencils...

    1. I ordered through your link. I was blessed this yeara nd was able to put a little bit towards Christmas. I can actually choice a few things off the lists.

  9. WalMart has a nice little drawing pencil set in a tin for a nice price in the stationary section.
    What girl wears matching socks? Around here it's the big thing to wear mismatched sock.

    Knee high socks are on my list!! I need them in the winter when I am wearing my long johns.


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