
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

31 Days Of Blogmas

I am eager in getting started on writing "31 days of “Blogmas”. Have you participated in Blogmas before? Not sure what Blogmas is. It is 31 days of writing about Christmas.

You have from December 1 through December 25th to write about Christmas. From December 26th through December 31st, you write about after Christmas. That is 31 days of Blogmas – writing about Christmas. Use the hashtag #31Blogmas2016 that way others can find your posts to give you support.

For those who wish to try their hand in 2016 Blogmas. I have a list of ideas in case you run in to writer's block. Choose a couple of ideas or complete the whole list. Your choice :

Explain what Blogmas is – 31 days of Christmas Blogging
Write a list of what you truly want for Christmas
Write a Christmas list of what your kids, significant other or parents asked for Christmas
Tell us about your favorite Christmas song. Or one that keeps running through your head.
Christmas movies – Your favorite, your most hated, etc.
You’ve been naughty / You’ve been nice
DIY Christmas gift
Christmas traditions your family follows
Share a Christmas recipe
DIY Christmas stocking
What Christmas symbolizes to you
Blogmas post ideas – Make a list of Christmas ideas others can write about
Favorite Christmas treat
Post past Christmas pictures – Tell us about them
Past, Present, future Christmases
Christmas decorating wish list
Eggnog recipe or share a story about eggnog
Christmas in your community – What is happening
Why Christmas is important to family
Happy Birthday Jesus
Budgeting Christmas
Least favorite thing about Christmas
Angel or elf on a shelf – love it or hate
Christmas poem
Create a Christmas story
Write about snow
Share a recipe of snow ice cream
Ugly Christmas sweaters
Write a letter to Santa
Write a letter to Jesus

Here are 20 more ideas to choose from :

Who did you spend Christmas with?
Who visited your house Krampus or Santa
Holiday bucket list
What did you serve or eat for Christmas meal
Who was invited on the Christmas party?
When did you have the Santa talk with your kids?
How old was you when you found out?
Christmas colors – red, white, green, yellow
When do you take down you tree?
Share a picture and write about your Christmas tree
Real or fake tree preference
What did you get for Christmas
Compare Santa vs Jesus
Christmas candy recipe
Christmas caroling – Yeah or nay
Christmas activities
Christmas animals
Do you dressed your pets for Christmas
Do you make your pets stockings or give them presents

Photos from, a free use photo sharing website.


  1. Sounds like fun. I may throw some in here and there but I do know I can't "fit in the time" to do one each day.

  2. I thought it was 25 days of blogmas. But maybe I just don't like Christmas as much as you do. lol

    I'm in for at leat 25 days.

  3. I don't know anything about 25 days of Christmas. I have always participated in 31 days of Christmas. Writing Dec 1st to 25th About and before Christmas Dec. 26 through 31st of after Christmas.

  4. Wow..very nice...I liked the ideas you have given for bliggers...

  5. This is such a sweet idea :-) I definitely need to give this a go! I am going to start another blog soon, so I think something like that would be good on there, although perhaps next year now!

  6. I'll pass on nonstop Christmas but will fit in some posts about both Christmas and Chanukah. Good luck!

    1. That will work too. I am looking forward to learning more about Chanukah.

  7. I love when people do blogmas or vlogmas. I don't think I can commit to creating content every day this year but maybe next!

  8. I have never participated in any challenges before but I am up for this one!


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