
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

3 Ingredient Facial Sugar Scrubs

I didn't have much money to get everyone I wanted a gift. Nor did I have a means to go shopping. Except for mom taking me to Big Lots, Dollar Tree, Marshall's, and a few stores in the mall. What made it even harder you ask? My sixteen year older decided she wanted to come along too. She didn't want to stay home knowing I was going to do Christmas shopping.  

I decided to make a compromise and make homemade gifts to hand out. As last year I made a ton of Christmas goodies to hand out. I realized it saved me a ton of money and was able to stretch my budget further. 

I made homemade facial sugar scrubs. I used lavender essential oils to give it a scent. While using food coloring to give it a purple color. I used too much blue and made it a darker purple than I would have liked. 

I handed one to each of my nieces among other people that stopped over on Christmas day. The youngest niece asked if you could eat it. After I explained how you use it. I laughed and said yes, you could. As everything in it is edible. However, I don't think your mom will like you eating all that sugar ay once. 

Facial sugar scrubs make gifts throughout the year. They make perfect birthday gifts. Or something to brighten someone's day.  They are quick and easy to make. Simple ingredients. Plus, you can make them in any scent you like.

Facial Sugar Scrub

1/2 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup sugar
5 to 8 drops of lavender essential oil
food coloring (optional)

You can melt the coconut oil to make it easier to stir. Mix all ingredients together. Place in air tight containers. I used small jelly jars I hand out as samples of any DYI hygiene products I make.

How to use facial sugar scrub -
Rub a generous amount all over the face. Let sit for 45 seconds. Wipe off with a towel. 


  1. I need to make my own sugar scrub more often. I love it when I have some available.

  2. Oh Sandy this sounds too easy to be true, I bet it smells really nice too! Thanks for a great idea. I will have to try it out for myself.

    1. It is simple to do. Youtube has all kinds videos showing how easy it is to make these. I love the smell.

  3. This is a good idea AND you could make a lot on one day and have them on hand for that quick gift.

  4. I love making sugar scrubs. Each can be "flavored" to the recipients favorite scent.

    1. I really enjoyed making these sugar scrubs. They make my skin feel better. i am going to explore with different scents.

  5. I love making facial scrubs but this with coconut oil I have not yet used or made. Lovely scent.


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