
Friday, December 30, 2016

Where I Can Be Me

I took this photograph while I was visiting Texas over the summer. I love this photograph so much I use it as my icon on Facebook and other websites for people to know it is me.

While I was in Florida, I was going through depression spell. I wrote the following poem which I think goes well with this photograph.

Where I Can Be Me

I know what I am feeling
But do I dare write it out
In the hopes no one sees it
I feel like eyes are all around me
Watching my every move
I hear the voices say
Do this, do that
I try to bring order 
Within my thoughts
Waiting for the love to escape
And bring me peace
When one turns away
No gentle touch
Just a peck on the cheek
Treating me like a sister
It is really hard to fight
This dark accent
I'm waiting for the clouds to part
And allow the sun 
To come shining through
I welcome the night
The darkness I am trapped in
I can hide where no one can see 
Where I can be me.

Photo and poem by Sandy Ks aka rusty2rusty. 

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  1. I hope that is not your current reality. Beautifully done.

    1. Thank you!
      No worries!! I wrote this poem many years ago. While I was living in another state.

  2. I love the combo poem and photo, Although the poem is sad.

    1. Thank you! The poem was written in a sad part of my life in the past.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I use to write poems all the time. I want to share creating more of them.


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