
Monday, December 26, 2016

After Christmas Clean Up

Yesterday was Christmas. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I was busy like most people. Christmas Eve was spent running around doing last minute errands. 

My little brother and his dad brought over a stove I bought off them for $50.00. I gave them extra money for bringing it as far as they did. Since it was Christmas Eve.

We had to be at my dad and stepmoms by one. We didn't make it til two. As my teen son had to work at KFC. From there we left and stopped in at mom's place. I was glad when we finally made it home. 

Christmas morning was a little hectic to get everything around. As I had to start cooking a meal. As my oldest son, his fiance and my grandson stopped over. My mom stopped over to bringing two of my nieces. 

After everyone left I looked around and seen a massive clean up needed to be done. 

1. Wrapping that was taken off presents needed thrown away. 
2. Food needed put away or thrown away.
3. Dishes needed to be done again.
4. Empty plates and such had to be thrown away. 
5. Floors were swept.
6. Furniture needed to be put back in place.
7. New items needed to find a home and put in place. 

I don't plan on taking the tree down til New Year's Day. I always leave that for last. Today lunch was a vegetable pizza on white sauce. As I am trying to stick with the no meat on Monday. so, far so good.Two weeks with no meat on Monday. 

My neck has been out the past couple of days. My blood pressure has been 170 or higher for several days now. I really don't feel good. I am going to go lay down. I hope you don't have too much clean up to do. 


  1. I can't wait to take down my tree now and get my house back to normal...need to clean up messes but have grandson who follows behind making them lol

    1. Oh I know how those grandsons like to follow behind. Lmao. My grandson is 2 1/2 and loves to make a mess.

  2. Forget clean up and lay down, your BP is way to high!

  3. Take care w the bp! Clean up can wait. Glad you had a good xmas!


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