
Monday, August 8, 2016

My Dog Has Aquaphobia

I have been slowly teaching my smaller dog, Rascal to walk on a leash. He is tiny at 5.6 lbs. He gets carried everywhere he goes. There are times he wants to get down to explore. This is why I have been teaching him to walk on a leash.

Earlier today I took him with me when I left with my boyfriend. We stopped out at the local reservoir looking for Pokemon playing the app 'Pokemon Go.' We also stopped to eat the lunch we had picked up.

Rascal kept poking his head out the car window as we were eating. As he was keeping an eye on the runner with two German Shepherds, a seagull flying overhead, and anything else that was going on. 

When we were done eating, I open the door to go put the trash from our meal in a trashcan. Rascal hopped out and started walking towards the water of the reservoir. I redirected him and coaxed towards the trashcan. As I used the one word command 'come'. Rascal was walking across big rocks he has never walked across before. He was slow at first but quickly picked his pace.

After throwing the trash away. I started walking towards the water of the reservoir. Rascal started to follow. However, he quickly decided to put his feet down to let me know he would no longer be moving anywhere near the water. Instead I walked towards him. Rascal darted towards the car. He was ready to go home.

You see Rascal has Aquaphobia, which means he has a fear of water. He will walk up to small bowls of water to drink it. Not towards a tub or sink. When I give him a bath. I end up being the wettest thing in the room on top of him not getting a bath. He fights back to prevent getting in a tub or sink. You put him. He will jump right out.

I have learned to compromise with Rascal in order to give him a bath. I am allowed to run water up to his knees in the kitchen sink. He will not sit or lay down as I wash him up. He will try to leave when I pour water on him to rinse the shampoo off of him. If I try this anywhere else, he fights a bath. 

I should have known the reservoir would scare him. I didn't stop to think. The next time we go the reservoir I will have a treat bag with me to help him learn it is okay to walk up to the water in the reservoir.

Have you owned a pet that was afraid of water? If so, what did you do to help your pet overcome that fear?


  1. Because I've never owned a dog (or a cat, for that matter) I can't help you with that fear. I did a quick Google search. It is not an usual fear. Some say certain breeds are predisposed to this fear; others say it is a matter of bad experiences with water in puppyhood. I hope a search leads you to suggestions you can use. Good luck! Alana

    1. I am still trying to find all I can about it. I am hoping to help get him past his fear of water.

  2. I have a "water" dog who absolutely hates baths...

    1. My ex father in law had a dog that was like that. he would go in any body of water. Unless it was a bathtub. he hated baths. He would buy a product from Avon and spray it all over his fur to keep fleas and bugs off of him.

  3. It's good that you recognized where the fear came from. You'll be able to avoid it next time.

    1., not me. I will work within his limits to help him overcome or at least tolerate his fear. Baby steps, no pushing.

  4. That is so cute. Animals certainly have their own distinct personalities. We are so blessed to have them in our life.

    1. Yes, they sure do have their own personalities. I took both of my dogs to the local Damn earlier. I was able to get him to follow me while walking on the rocks but that was about it. My other dog had a blast.

  5. That's a shame. I hope no one tried to drown him when he was a puppy. Did you get him through a shelter?

    1. I have no clue if someone tried to drown him. I got him from friends who live in Texas. I live in Ohio. He was about 6 weeks when we got him.

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  7. Wow, a dog afraid of water - that's more like a cat! We're still hoping to get to either lake or ocean front before the summer is over, so we can take our two dogs and let them play.

    1. Yes, he fears like a cat's. That is how he acts towards water too.


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