
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Happy Birthday "16" To My Daughter

Sixteen years ago on this very day, my baby girl was born. Labor didn't last long. Only four hours. I won't go in to details as I forgot that pain long ago. I do know I fell in love that day with the last child I would birth.

By time she started school, I knew she was behind in her peers. At the age of five, she could not pronounce words or sentences like a child her age should be able to. I was able to place her in a pre-k program. Instead of kindergarten after some testing was done.My daughter excelled in her pre-k classroom. However, she was still behind her peers. 

She has had some awesome teachers helping her along her way. She also had some bad teachers where I have had to step in and go to the school board to ensure my daughter was getting the education she deserved. Through all of her struggles, she has progressed further than many thought she would. 

It hasn't been easy. As she has been diagnosed with a learning disability, ADHD and ODD when she was really young. She does required medication on a daily bases to be able to focus to get her day to day task done.  Without it she can not function and socialize properly with her peers.

I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to my baby girl, you sure have come along way. I have stood by your side through your struggles holding your hand. I don't plan on moving any time soon.

"I love you" and I hope all your dreams come true.


  1. Happy Birthday, I hope all of her wishes and dreams come true.

  2. I hope she has a wonderful Sweet 16 and that the next year is amazing for both of you!

  3. No matter how old our babies get, they will always be our baby! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!


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