
Friday, August 12, 2016

3 Ingredient Cherry Pudding Pie

One thing I like to make that is quick and easy, is a 3 ingredient cherry pudding pie. This is a simple dessert to whip when unexpected company shows up. Or if you knwo someone is on the way over.

My boyfriend's mother used to make this all the time as he was growing up. It is a childhood treat that he still delights in eating. His mom is no longer able to do the cooking she once did. I make sure I create this simple treat for him from time to time.  I also make it at holidays. That way his mother and father are able to enjoy this dessert too.

Ingredients :
1 prepared graham cracker crust
1 box of vanilla pudding
1 can of cherry pie filling

Directs :
You mix pudding per directions on the box. Let set.
Once set, you pour in to the graham cracker crust. make sure it is spread evenly. Top with the can cherry pie filling. Chill for 30 to 45 minutes.

You can make this dish in a variety of different ways. I also use different pie filling instead of cherry all the time. Plus, change up the flavor of pudding. This same dish taste good with chocolate pudding. Instead of vanilla.

Choose your favorite pudding and pie filling to mix up the recipe. You can have a different easy and quick pudding pie every night of the week.

What is your favorite dessert you can mix and match the ingredients to make?

Photographs taken by and © belong to Sandy KS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. Sounds yummy - never thought of that combo and may try w the bing cherries we have in season...

    1. Oh this is yummy!! There are many different combos you can make this.

  2. I'll have to pick up a box of instant pudding next time I shop. I have a graham crust and some pie filling that want using up!

  3. I have ate this one before and you are right, its so easy but SOOO Yummy! Thanks for reminding me.

  4. What a delicious looking pie and so easy!


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