Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bus Business Challenge

Since I live on social security, the only way I would ever come in to large sum of money, was if I played the lottery and won.
If I won the lottery, I have a business idea I would make come true.
I would start a small or short bus service through out my town. Many people do not have vehicles or the ability to get from one side of town to the next. Or are disabled like me and can't walk.
I would use the short buses because of the size of the town. Plus, shorter buses would help for gas mileage. If it seemed more people were using the buses. I would bring in longer buses to fill the need. Til the business would pick up. I would use smaller buses that were wheelchair excessable.
I would figure what larger communities were charging for transport on a bus to figure out a one time fee. I would also use the same statics to figure out a year pass.
I would have several areas as pick up points. I would reach all four corners of the town and main streets.
We do have a cab service. Finding the right number or getting a hold of them and not waiting forever is a real problem. I think a bus system could beat the cab service out. As i would not charge $14 for a one way pick up.
I thought of the idea of not charger highschool kids a bus pass. As i seen that in a larger city. I am not sure if I will implicate that or not.
What are you thoughts of a short bus service? Would you use it, if it was available in your area?
Challenge : Write what kind of business you would start up if you won the lottery.
Photo found through a search on Pixabay for the word bus.

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