
Guest Blogging Oppurtunities

guess blogging

I am ready to add guest bloggers posts to my blog. I can't afford to pay anyone. Yet, I am willing to give you more exposure through all my social media. As I will promote your guest post through all of them. 

Guess Blogger

If you would like to be a guest blogger, please answer the following questions and send to 
If you would like to add photos to your blog post, please send them giving me written permission to share on my photos. The photos must be your own, taken by you. Otherwise, I will choose photos that best fit.

1. What is the name of your blog and blog's URL?

2. What is your blog about? Please give a short description.

3. Please tell me about you, the author of your blog. Plus, how long you have been blogging.

4. If you could give advice to other blogger's out here, what would it be?

5. Of all the blog posts you wrote, which one is your favorite?

6. What categories would your blog fall under? Or what type of blog do you have?

7. What keyword do you use the most on your blog?

8. Name two blogs you like to follow, blog URL and why you like to follow it.

9. What types of blogs do you like to follow, read, comment on and or share the content through social media?

10. Choose one question to ask and give your answer on the guest blog.

If you know anyone who would be interested in guest blogging. Please pass this on.

Do you guest blog or provide guest blogging on your blog? If so, what is your experience?


  1. I have been doing guest blogs for a while and it's interesting to see the different blogs that others write. I have also written for others on their blogs. Maybe we can share a guest blog with each other!

    1. I would love to. Please send an email to the address listed in the blog piece answering the questions above.

  2. Hi Sandy!
    To be honest, I have never read such a post! Please, are you serious about your offer? I have no idea about guest blog or providing guest blogging! I am very new to social media!
    Can you make money with your blog?
    Wishing you all success you dream of!

    1. It is possible to make money with a blog. I do not make money with mine yet. I am serious about my offer, why would think I was not? It is as easy as following the instructions I gave in my post.

  3. I never have had a guest post on my blog and I also have never written a guest post on others. But it is something to consider. Thank you for broadening my horizon!

    1. Your welcome. Some people only accept guest bloggers with in their niche. Which is okay too.

  4. You ask a lot of really good questions and I don't know that I would have all the answers to them. I've been blogging for about 4 years. I have two separate blogs, one for fashion for plus sized women and the other is a pet project of mine where I share my gardening and hobbies, grandchildren activities and things to do with kids in general. I would love to try guest blogging, but really don't know where to start. I write on other Blogger sites, does that count as guest blogging?

    1. I love your blog about your garden and such. Guest blogging can be any time you interview a blogger and make a blog post about it.

  5. I have done a few guest posts on my site but not regularly. I think it is a great idea and I guest post on 2 sites now on regular basis(but not paid) just promoted. I am monitoring how it is is early days. I will certainly take you up on your offer and I am also happy to give you a guest post spot on mine...Let me know. I hope you are well :)

    1. If you are interested, please follow my instructions I gave in my blog post above. Thank you.

  6. I never done guest blogging before. Also nobody done guest blogging on my blog. Its a nice way to boost your blog . Thanks for the offer.

    1. It is way to help promote others while you promote yourself. It is a win win when bloggers work together to collaborate.

  7. That is a wonderful idea. If I find time I may apply myself.

  8. Thanks Sandy. I like the way that you have laid out the step by step instructions for submitting a guest post to your sight. Sounds appealing, especially if you are going to promote it on your social media as well. What is the scale of your social media presence? Thanks, will be in touch again soon.

    1. My social media presence is around 7,000. Not a lot but growing slowly.

  9. I haven't done that yet. But may plan for April is to start developing a strategy in that sense :). So when I am ready, I might apply here :).

  10. I have not yet begin guest blogging or having guest bloggers but I am excited to hear how your experience goes. Keep us updated and happy blogging!

    1. I am eager to start my guest blogging experience. If you would like to be featured, please fill out the questionnaire above and send it to the email address provided.

  11. Oh this is great :) I'll share this with my friends. Thank you for this :)

  12. Thanks for the offer. This is a good idea. I have not done any guest blogging yet. I have blogs about gardening, cooking, health and relaxation, about Philippines and about Germany. Which one do you prefer if I join your guest blogging?


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