
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bullying And Harassment Must Stop

My daughter has been being bullied for some time at school. My fiance' and I had contacted the school multiple times over the issue. Nothing seems to get done. Yesterday my daughter came home from school and tells us that she was sitting alone at lunch when someone threw a crumbled up condom box at her head. 

The principal did ask the students who threw it. Yet, the one who did would not speak. Nor would any of the other teenagers tell who did it. I guess one student finally spoke up by saying he did when he really didn't. As least that is what he is saying to the other students. How do I know? It was videoed taped and shared all over snap chat.

Bullying Must Stop

This has gone from straight bullying to harassing my daughter. A condom box steps up to the next level of sexual harassment. I am mad. I am beyond livid. This needs to stop.

We tried contacting the principal today. How convenient he was not able to answer. Everything had to be explained to the principal's secretary. Which I think is wrong and breaches privacy issues. Well, we left a message and told the secretary if we don't hear back by Monday from the principal we are going to file a report with the police. 

We were told there is a policeman right at the school that can take the report. Now I am wondering why something has not been done yet. 

I am tired of this. My daughter is a 16-year-old girl. Why must a condom box be thrown at her? Or anything for that matter?  She has ADHD and ODD. She has other issues. Yet, she doesn't deserve to be sexually harassed or bullied. Nor called the horrible names she has been called countless times. No child does.

Parents you need to teach your children not be bullies or sexual harass other students for any reason. If you haven't had that talk with your children yet. You need too. As my daughter doesn't deserve this. Neither does yours. 

Have you been harassed or bullied at school? Or know someone who has?

Pictures from Pixabay, a free photo sharing website. 


  1. I would not wait till Monday I would be on that RIGHT now! It is not right for a special needs child to be treated like this by anyone.

    1. The school has a cop on site. That is the one I am going to file with. As the kid who did this is not denying it. Acting like no big deal.

  2. Special needs or not, this should not be happening. I have a granddaughter who has been bullied all year, at school and otherwise. She tried to kill herself with tylenol based meds, scary. The bullying was finally witnessed by two teachers in the hallway. Principal says "I have no problem if you want to press charges", mom of bully counter charged cause the grand gave her a bloody lip in self defense. Right now it is a stand off. It is cyber bullying in the case of your daughter cause it was on snap chat. I know of a young man who was videoed while being bullied, he shot himself in the head. This has gone on too long. I would file that police report today.

    1. My daughter wasn't caught on snapchat. The principal yelling at the kids to find out who did it.

  3. I would go to the police NOW! This is assault and battery. Can you save the video from snapchat?

    1. I am going to talk to the cop on site of the school. School is out for Spring break.

  4. That's terrible news! You absolutely have to do something about it. If the pricipal is unwilling to act, get police and/or press involved. Some attention always work. I would also go as far as switching schools if possible.

    1. I am doing something I am going to stay on it til I get the result my daughter deserves.

  5. I hope this torment ends for her and yes, please tell the powers that be. Very sad for your daughter.

  6. It stinks when kids pick on kids they consider "different." When I was in high school, if anybody was still throwing things at other people in the cafeteria at 16, school policy would have been that that child definitely had "special needs" to be in a school other than GCHS. Sad if other public schools don't or can't have similar policies, because a wad of thin cardboard is not exactly a deadly weapon...I was sexually harassed (words: "Hey, girl, let's have sex") just once in high school, and remember thinking that it would've been even worse to have told adults and had a big deal made out of it than just to live with the feeling of disgustedness. This sounds more like ordinary obnoxious childish bad manners than like real sexual harassment, even...but all schools need policies that anyone still engaging in this kind of fifth-grade-level behavior can't be in any grade above sixth.

    1. That is the problem, my daughter didn't tell us this was going on. When she did, she wanted to handled it. By that time it was too late as it has been on going to where it happens every day. When I get wind of things I report it to the principal, now it is time to talk to the cops.

  7. And I hate to say this, but bullies are predators, so telling them how bad they (may) make (some) victims feel actually encourages the behavior. What works is telling them "This behavior has no place in this school. If you wanted to be here, you would have behaved like ladies and gentlemen. Maybe after a few terms in some sort of corrective 'school'-type institution, if the young lady you've been harassing accepts your apology and if you show that you've learned how to act here, *maybe* you can come back on this campus again."

    Worked for Gate City, anyway...when I was in high school I knew kids who sneaked across the Kentucky border and got married, but at school, in most classes we used *formal* manners. No given names, no touching, no running or screaming or violation of decorum in any way.

    1. I agree bullies are predators. That is why I am going to talk to the cop on site at the school come Monday.

  8. It sounds to me as if colleges are turning out teachers who are actually too dumb or immature to teach.

    They teach school like kids often clean their rooms: just shove everything under the bed -- with "everything" including items such as half-eaten food, candy-bar wrappers, tissues, used chewing gum, and dirty clothes -- and forget about it.

    These miraculously-licensed teachers(?), principals(?), guidance counselors(?), and others who are supposed to be making sure that getting an education is not only effective and beneficial but, also, safe and pleasant are acting like the kids cleaning(?) their rooms -- that is:

    Just ignoring it altogether or passing the buck to someone else seems to be an easy solution(?) to this issue.

    Let me suggest consulting this site for helpful ideas. You might want to suggest to your daughter's school to look into setting up something like this there...

    1. My daughter does get counseling. She also sees a psychiatrist. I am going to check out your link and explore it further. I knwo the counselor at the school is nothing but a joke. he was bullied in school and pretty much teaches kids to run or avoid the bullies instead of dealing with them.

  9. There have always been kids that pick on others, my brother got me out of bad situations when I was in school and that was so long ago. I think the bullies are kids that are over compensating because they have a disorder..they have to be in the center of attention, even if it is for the wrong reasons. I am sorry your daughter is being picked on.

    1. Some do have disorders or issues of their own. Others do it because they think it is funny.

  10. That is horrible. I hope they do something about this.

    1. I don't think the school is. I hope the cops will do something.


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