
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Beef Sausage And Green Beans With Sweet Potato Fries On The Side

Ingredients for dinner

The other night I made dinner. I was able to pick up a beef sausage for less than $2.00 at Walmart. I also grabbed a pack of green beans from the produce area for $1.99. And a packaged of Sweet Potato fries for $3.00. In total, of $7.00. Which isn't bad for three people. It came to $2.33 a meal. That is cheaper than any fast food joint in town.

Beef sausage sliced up

My boyfriend wanted me to make beef sausage, cabbage, and white potatoes. Since I can't have the white potatoes, I used sweet potatoes baked in the oven instead. I didn't have any cabbage. As I grew up cooking this meal with green beans. Not potatoes or cabbage.

Next time I plan to make it with cabbage and potatoes. Like my boyfriend wants it. I will have to cook the potatoes separate from the beef sausage and cabbage.

Beef sausage and green beans

The first thing I did was remove the beef sausage from the package and slice it up. I set it aside. I removed the green beans from the package and removed the ends. 

I placed them both the beef sausage and green beans in the same pan. I added just a tad bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place the lid on and allowed them to slow cook together. 

Beef sausage and green beans

While the beef sausage and green beans were cooking. I had already placed the sweet potatoes fries in the oven. The meal took less than 10 minutes to prepare. It took less than 30 minutes to complete. 

Have you had this meal before? How do you prepare it? Do you use green beans or cabbage? Or something else?

Photos ©SandyKS aka rusty2rusty.


  1. We make ours with cabbage, but this looks great, just might have to try it out soon!

    1. I grew up using green beans. Later I learned it can used with cabbage.

  2. This looks simple and delicious! My husband loves sweet potatoes!

  3. I don't think I've ever had this meal. I hate cabbage so I'd probably like the green bean version better anyway.

    1. I prefer the green bean version too. My fiance' says if I do the green bean version I must use the green beans in teh can. As he hate fresh green beans that has a crisp to them.

  4. My Hubby doesn't like sweet potato and prefers cabbage ...I don't like the sausage so on this occassion we are a right Conclussion...I don't cook it very often...ha ha Have tweted and shared :)

    1. Lol, I don't blame you. I like to cook meals I knwo we all like. It is easier as there isn't complaining.

  5. Fried with the meat, I'd definitely prefer the beans. Love sweet potato fries!

  6. I like all the Cruciferae raw...possibly because my father hated the smell of boiling cabbage and wouldn't allow any vegetable in that family to be cooked in the house. We ate them. Therefore we ate them raw.


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