
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Weekend Follow Up #1

This is a follow up of all the blog posts I have created for the past week in case you missed one. I would like to do this weekly. I write on a variety of subjects. As I have three places I currently write at. Obviously, one place is on this blog Rusty2rusty's Chatter. Second place is my blog called Food With A Plan. The third place I write at is Niume

Here are my posts from
1/29/2017 through 2/4/2017 

Sharing a recipe of with three ingredients. One being cherries.

I give a list of ten reasons I love my Samsung phone. I share some ways I earn money using my phone.

The post was written from an idea suggested for a challenge I participated in.

I write a post at the end of each month with ideas, prompts or challenges to blog about the following month. I gear the ideas towards the month. If you have writer's block or looking for ideas to write about. I try to have something for everyone.

Sharing a homemade recipe I came up with after making a tuna avocado boat.

A wordless Wednesday photo post about my dogs. Starting off with one not wanting to get up or his photo taken. My wordless Wednesday post normally has more photos and are short more than anything..

This post starts out with a few pictures with a conversation between Rascal and his Mommy. It is all about the mess that gets left behind from the birds and squirrels. I explain what I have done so far to remodify this. As well as ask for suggestions from my readers.

I share a short post with a short poem about my first time seeing a  chicken in a tree.

I hope you enjoyed my first "Weekend Follow Up" post. I invite all my readers to say hello and leave your latest blog post link in the comments with a short description. If you leave a link, please check out someone else's link if you have time. This is my way of bringing blogger's together to meet each other.


  1. What a great idea... reviewing your posts for the week. Very handy.

  2. Thanks for letting us know about your posts. I love the photo of your little dog.

  3. Great idea!!! Makes it easy not to miss a single one!!!


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