
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Misco Soup Bowl Review

The other day I was shopping at Aldi's when my teenage daughter noticed some prepared ready-made bowl type of meals. I looked them over and seen two flavors I wanted to try out for lunch. As I am home by myself during lunch every day. It is easier to have leftovers from the day before. When that is not available, I make something from a prepared packaged. 

Before making it, I looked at the nutritional facts. 

Nutritional Facts

Servings size 1/2 bowl. makes 2 servings.
120 calories per serving.
Total fat content 0%
Total cholesterol content 0% 
Sodium content 360 mg at 15%
Total carbs 25 g
Protein 4 g.

The only thing that concerned me is the amount of salt being used. Being a soup this did not surprise me.

8 Benefits of Misco Soup

1. Boosts the immune system.
2. Prevents cancer caused by radiation exposure.
3. Helps to prevent breast cancer.
4. Helps improve digestion. Gives relief to those who suffer from IBS or Chron's disease.
5. It is used in the Japanese culture to remove nicotine from a person system.
6. Beneficial probiotics and nutrients to help boost immune system.
7. High content of antioxidants that helps fight the aging process.
8. Favorable effects on blood pressure.

After opening the package I found a plastic bowl and the ingredients. 

I opened the packages up of the ingredients and placed them in the bowl. I followed the directions by adding 1 1/2 cup of water and microwaving on high for two minutes.

I had Misco soup a couple of times. each time it was prepared by a local Japanese restaurant. Basing my experience on that, if I was rating this Misco Soup Bowl from 1 to 5. 5 being the highest rated. I would rate this a 3. I rate it a 4 because of the sodium content. As that is high for someone who has to watch their sodium content. Plus, the fact the plastic bowl was flimsy. I had to place a plate underneath to carry it. As the side of the bowl was starting to collapse when trying to pick it up.

 The taste was good. The noodles tasted excellent. The directions and preparations were easy. 

Would I buy this again?
Yes, I would. I would separate the ingredients to make two separate bowls and double the amount of water to 3 cups to help cut down on the sodium. Thus, making the meal go further.

Photos ©SandyKS aka rusty2rustyschatter.


  1. It been a while since I did up any misco broth but I like chopped green onions in mind.
    Coffee is on

    1. I love Misco soup. I have not made my own yet. As I can't get the ingredients in my area. But I did order some off a website. Waiting for it to come in. I normally order it from the Japanese restaurant for pick up.

  2. Great to know - will look for this at our Aldis.

    1. I love trying different products from all over the world bought from Aldi's

  3. This tells me that I need to make Aldi's as one of my destinations when I'm finally able to get out and shop again.


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